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于 2007-05-10 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  This is a very useful program, hope it will help you(This is a very useful program. hope it will help you)



0 个回复

  • MM1
    M/M/1单服务台派对系统,(用事件调度法实现离散事件系统仿真) 顾客到达模到达时间间隔和顾客服务时间均服从负指数分布,单服务台系统,按照单队排队,按FIFO方式服务。考察服务n个顾客后的顾客平均队长及平均排队等待时间(M/M/1 single desk party system (with the event scheduling system for discrete event simulation) model to reach customers arrival time and customer service have a negative exponential distribution, single-desk system, in accordance with the single-team line up, according to FIFO way service. N a customer service inspection after the average length and average customer waiting time)
    2010-05-09 19:31:36下载
  • for_pdn3
    These are MATLAB codes for implementing Elliptical Bandstop and Bandpass filters for use in Digital Signal Processing
    2013-11-15 18:10:10下载
  • Comparison-and-Evaluation-of-Different-Cluster-
    Comparison and Evaluation of Different Cluster
    2014-02-20 10:39:52下载
  • hough-to-detecting-lines
    hough变换检测直线matlab代码,对深刻理解hough变换有一定帮助!(hough transform line detection matlab code, on a deep understanding of the hough transform some help!)
    2013-01-29 09:51:19下载
  • _FuzzyPID
    MATLAB算法 自己设计的 希望能帮助你 模糊PID(MATLAB algorithm design their own hope to help you fuzzy PID)
    2015-04-20 21:48:44下载
  • Maximum-Entropy
    In the distributed processing, where common labeled data may be not available for designing classifier ensemble, however, an ensemble solution is necessary, traditional fixed decision aggregation could not account for class prior mismatch or classifier dependencies in electronic technology. Previous transductive learning strategies have several drawbacks, e.g., feasibility of the constraints was not guaranteed and heuristic learning was applied. We overcome these problems by developing improved iterative scaling (IIS) algorithm for optimal solution. This method is shown to achieve improved decision accuracy over the earlier approaches in electronic technology
    2015-03-18 21:44:09下载
  • Rocksl
    岩体稳定性研究在工程中十分重要,岩体破坏引起崩塌落石等。(Stability of rock mass is very important in engineering, rock mass damage caused by falling rock and so on collapse.)
    2009-11-12 12:14:42下载
  • imageprocessinglicensepaltematlab
    its a r on license plate recogniton
    2010-11-08 21:28:12下载
    说明:  基于MATLAB的布莱克曼窗法带通滤波设计(The Blackman window method based on MATLAB bandpass filter design)
    2010-04-05 14:02:51下载
  • work
    说明:  模糊控制matlab,倒立摆,应该会有用(Fuzzy control matlab, inverted pendulum, should be used)
    2008-10-19 10:56:19下载
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