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于 2021-05-13 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  求解KZK方程的VISUAL C++源代码 具有计算速度快,计算精度高等优点。(source code solution of KZK equation visual c++)



0 个回复

  • algorithms(CPP)
    计算机常用数值算法与程序(C++版) (Commonly used numerical algorithm of computer and program )
    2014-01-04 22:46:59下载
  • 9.2.2
    最小二乘法拟合形如f(x)=(a+bx)/(1+cx)的函数(9.2.2(1)),并解决人口预测问题(9.2.2(2))(Least squares fit of the form f (x) = (a+bx)/(1+cx) function (9.2.2 (1)), and to solve the population prediction problem (9.2.2 (2)))
    2021-01-01 14:38:58下载
    面向对象的有限元程序设计 ——空间8结点等参元的分析计算(Object-oriented finite element program design- space 8 node isoparametric element analysis calculation)
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  • 0629
    焊接模拟,fluent,电弧udf,钨极氩弧焊,源项(Welding simulation, fluent, arc udf, TIG welding, the source term)
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  • Euler_DG_Quadrilateral_2D
    自己写了一个二维Euler方程的间断有限元程序 上次发了一个三角形单元的程序 因为不是曲边单元 所以在圆柱后面容易形成涡 现在把程序改为曲边四边形单元了 没有涡出现 单元是8节点四边形单元 节点编号顺序是 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 也就是四个角点依次 是1 2 3 4 然后是边的中点编号 5 6 7 8. 时间推进采用 Runge-Kutta 方法 数值通量采用全局Lax-Friedrichs通量 仍然不能捕捉激波 因为没有做重构或者加人工粘性 等这个做出来了 再发一次。 程序没有进行优化 比如说内存的消耗没有优化 比如直边单元的边界积分仍然采 用了曲边的积分方法 增加了计算量 比如面积分、线积分都是采用的是Gauss- Legendre-Lobatto积分 积分精度会比一般的Gauss-Legendre积分精度低一阶 等 等问题。 二维的 纯属交流性质 就没有考虑这些问题 ^_^ 如果物面全部是直边 那么只要改变一个参数N 就可以获得不同的计算精度 且具 有谱精度 因为单元的节点是Gauss-Legendre-Lobatto积分点。 其实就是谱元法 (物面是曲边的情况我不清楚是不是也可以通过提高基函数的阶数 也就是增加N 来提高计算精度)(Wrote a two-dimensional Euler equations with discontinuous finite element program Last made ​ ​ a triangular element of the program, not curved edge unit is so easy to form a vortex in the cylinder behind the Program to curved edge quadrilateral element vortices appear Unit is the order of 8-node quadrilateral element node number is 15,263,748 which is the four corners of the points in turn Is 1234 and then the side of the midpoint of the number 5678. Time promote the use of Runge-Kutta method Numerical flux of the overall situation of Lax-Friedrichs, flux Still can not capture the shock wave did not do the reconstruction or artificial viscosity do it Zaifayici. The program is not optimized for example, memory consumption is not optimized such as straight-edge boundary integral of the unit is still mining Integral method to increase the amount of computation such as surface integral with a curved edge, the line integral using the Gauss- The Legendr)
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    模拟波动方程的有限元程序,计算波场快照,有程序说明!(Simulation of the wave equation, the finite element program, calculate the wave field snapshot, procedural instructions)
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  • Program
    矩阵转换问题 行与列的个数均为n 的矩阵称为n 阶方阵。假定矩阵中的每个元素的值在0到9之间,则可以将矩阵中的所有元素按行依次排列得到一个“单行矩阵字符串”。(Matrix conversion, the number of rows and columns of the matrix n are called n-order square. Assume that each element of matrix value in the 0 to 9, you can press all the elements of the matrix rows in order of priority for a " single matrix string." )
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  • rwdrcoef
    程序算任意点FFT和小波变换,以及可选择多种小波及小波变换后的单频带重够,另算信号的Lipschitz指数,高级数字信号处理!(counting procedures arbitrary point FFT and Wavelet Transform, and the choice of multiple wavelet and the wavelet transform of a single-band heavy enough, and another count signal Lipschitz index advanced digital signal processing!)
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  • jiadianji
    基于vc++6.0的佳点集遗传算法的编程,里面的各项参数均可由使用者自我调整!(Vc++6.0 based on the good point set genetic algorithm programming, which the parameters can be adjusted by the users themselves!)
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  • -recursive-
    天线组阵中相位差的递推最小二乘估计与滤波(Phase array antenna group recursive least squares estimation and filtering)
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