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于 2007-05-24 发布 文件大小:226KB
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  本程序是VC+MO的一个简单例子,对于初学GIS的朋友能起到抛砖引玉的作用! MapObjects是建立在微软的对象链接和嵌入(OLE)2.0基础之上的。OLE是当今得到最广泛支持的面向目标的软件集成技术。用户像用砖块盖房子一样利用OLE组件开发和集成Windows应用。一个OLE控件是一个可重复使用的软件组件。OLE控件可以将许多其他OLE对象包装在一个包中。这个包可以反映某些特定的功能,如统计图和多媒体等,并可以直接嵌入支持OLE的应用中。OLE对象具有特征和方法,可以通过对它们的编程来控制对象的外观、行为以及相互作用。MapObjects是一个提供制图与GIS功能的OLE控件,它包含了超过45个可编程OLE对象。MapObjects地图控件可以直接插入到许多标准开发环境的工具集中,可以通过属性页操纵地图。这些属性页是在诸如VC之类的开发环境中建立的,或者通过其他程序化相关对象来控制地图。这些对象为应用开发人员提供了有力的制图与GIS功能支持。 (this procedure MO VC is a simple example. For novice GIS friends will play the role of something! MapObjects is built on Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) 2.0 foundation. OLE is currently the most widely supported goal-oriented software integration technology. Users like a brick house built like using OLE component development and integration Windows applications. An OLE is a reusable software components. OLE can be many other OLE objects packed in a bag. The package will reflect certain specific functions, such as charts and multimedia. and can directly support OLE embedded applications. OLE object with features and methods, through their control of programming targeted to the appearance, behavior and interaction. MapObjects is a provider of mapping and GIS functions of O)



0 个回复

  • StudentSystem
    用vc++的MFC做的学生成绩管理系统,包含数据库,用户名密码默认admin(Vc++ with the MFC student performance management system, including a , the default user name and password admin)
    2016-12-30 20:57:31下载
  • cppWindowsSerivceDemo
    说明:  这个文件没用,用来赚点积分的。我为了下载别的文件。(this file is no useful,just for win score.)
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  • CarCount
    该程序功能是实现对道路流动车辆统计。小模块功能有以下几个:1,对视频解帧并显示。2,对该视频训练背景图片。 3,利用背景图片用减背景法对测试视频进行前景提取,并进行阈值处理,图像分割,找出流动车的连通域。 4,对车辆进行统计。程序包内含有界面说明,以及程序使用的步骤和相关注意事项(The program function is to achieve movement of vehicles on the road statistics. A small module function has the following: 1 solution for video frames and displayed. 2, the video training background image. 3, using the background image used by the background method of testing the prospects for video extraction, and conduct threshold processing, image segmentation, to identify mobile car-connected domain. 4, vehicle statistics. Interface package contains instructions and procedures related to the use of the steps and considerations)
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