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于 2012-06-12 发布 文件大小:2598KB
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  杨建国老师的通讯原理课件,第三章模拟信号的调制与解调,主要讲述信号产生与调制,射频特性,解调,MSK、GMSK、PSK、QPSK、BPSK、QAM等原理(Yang Jianguo teacher communication principles of courseware, the third chapter of the analog signal modulation and demodulation, and focuses on the signal generation and modulation, the RF characteristics, demodulation, MSK, GMSK, PSK, QPSK, as BPSK, QAM and other principles of)





0 个回复

  • bianyiyuanli
    编译原理的学习资料,我们上课用的,没有源码传,但又想下载东西,只好传了学习资料(Compilation Principle of learning materials, we used in class, there is no source Chuan, but want to download things, but to learn from the information passed)
    2009-01-01 18:45:00下载
  • IR_Trainning_DOC
    Philips RC-5/6协议 Philips RC-MM协议 红外编码格式17- Toshiba TC9148P  NEC协议 经本人翻译为中文版本的,很好的开发档案,值得下载!(Philips RC-5/6 Philips RC-MM protocol agreement infrared code format 17- Toshiba TC9148P NEC protocol for the Chinese version translated by me, the good development of the file, it is worth downloading!)
    2010-10-07 17:23:32下载
  • rsvp-agent
    GMPLS中的相关信令协议RSVP仿真代码,网上下载的,希望能适合大家(Related signaling protocols in GMPLS RSVP simulation code, download, and I hope we can fit)
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  • xijie12doc
    希捷指令集,里边详细的介绍了希捷12代的指令等。(Seagate instruction set inside a detailed introduction of 12 generations of Seagate directives.)
    2014-05-09 17:33:21下载
  • MyTwainScan
    因为TWAIN的协议比较复杂,该程序,为你展示了TWAIN的使用(because the agreement is more complicated, the procedures for the display you use the TWAIN)
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  • ns2-extension
    介绍如何对NS2进行多信道多接口扩展,并支持动态信道分配。(NS2 introduce how to carry out the expansion of multi-channel multi-interface, and supports dynamic channel allocation.)
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  • ARINC-664P1-1-2006
    ARINC-美国航空无线电通信公司(Aeronautical Radio Inc),美国军队的长期合作伙伴。ARINC664系列协议是ARINC公司负责制定的下一代航空数据网络标准。该规范分为8个部分,从不同层次对航空数据网络标准的各个方面进行了系统的定义,形成了以AFDX技术为核心的下一代航空数据网络的完整标准。(ARINC-Aeronautical Radio Inc, the U.S. military long-term partners. ARINC664 series protocol is ARINC company is responsible for the formulation of the next generation of airborne data network standard. This specification is divided into eight parts, from different levels of airborne data network standard all aspects of the definition of the system, formed the AFDX technology at the core of the next generation of airborne data network complete standard.)
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  • pcm
    语音编码方案的选取对移动通信系统的通话质量、信道容量等有重要影响。本文讨论了TD-SCDMA系统中AMR语音编码的自适应机制,同时分析了AMR中代数码本线性预测(ACELP)算法及实现过程。该方案可以在一块TMS320C5510上实现。(The selection of voice coding schemes for mobile communication systems the quality of the call, such as channel capacity have had a significant impact. In this paper, TD-SCDMA System AMR Adaptive speech coding mechanism, at the same time analysis of AMR in the generation of Digital Linear Prediction (ACELP) algorithm and the realization of the process. The program can be achieved in a TMS320C5510.)
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  • SWA2000
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