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于 2012-06-12 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  matlab7.11b 读取netcdf格式文件(matlab7.11b read netcdf files)



0 个回复

  • BP-shenjingwangluo
    BP神经网络的通用代码,简单易懂,写法精练(BP neural network, the common code, easy to understand, concise writing)
    2012-06-05 21:24:40下载
  • chaincode
    It computes the chaincode for a single object on one bw image. (image processing)
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  • lagrantuxing1
    数值分析的MATLAB实现---拉格兰日差值(MATLAB implementation of numerical analysis)
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  • testdisk-7.0-WIP.mac_intel.tar
    revision de discos fisicos, prueba y reparacion
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  • ruanjiansheji
    以中等纯度的精馏塔为研究对象,考虑到不等分子溢流的影响和非理想的汽液平衡,可以得到塔顶产品轻组分含量Y与回流量L之间的传递函数为: 控制要求: 1.采用积分分离 PID控制算法将塔顶轻组分含量Y控制在0.99 2.采用继电法整定PID参数 3.整定效果验证:当被控过程参数时变时,如滞后时间由4→8,开环增益由3.4→6时, 讨论PID控制的响应速度及鲁棒性问题,考察当系统参数发生改变时,上述PID参数是否选取合适。 (Moderate purity fractionator as the object of study, taking into account the ranging molecular overflowing and non-ideal vapor-liquid equilibrium can be obtained by the transfer function between the content of light components of the overhead product Y and back to the flow L: Control Requirements: 1. integral separation PID control algorithm to control the top of the tower light component content Y 0.99 2. relay Law tuning PID parameters. tuning effect is verified: change When accused of process parameters, such as the lag time from 4 → 8, the open loop gain discussed from 3.4 → 6, the PID control of the response speed and robustness issues investigated when the system parameters are changed, the PID parameters select appropriate.)
    2012-09-19 10:12:17下载
  • Fourth-order-Runge-Kutta-method
    四阶龙格库塔法的一个实例 希望能够帮助大家(Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method)
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  • SOM
    Simple SOM(Self Organization Map) source code in Matlan(Graphical with GUI) that have siple DataSet in 2 dimension.
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  • PSS
    pss model in matlab to achive system paramiter
    2012-09-29 23:28:09下载
  • femmatlab
    本子程序包含5个子程序,其主要功能是: (1) 子程序CXCY(E,L,IE,JE)的功能 用于计算各单元的杆件的长度及在结构坐标系中的倾角α的三角函数cosα、sinα。 (2) 子程序ELEA(E,L,IE,JE,A)的功能 用于计算结构坐标系下各单元刚度矩阵中的刚度系数。 (3) 子程序TOTAL(E,LNODE,KE,KZ)的功能 用于形成半带宽的结构原始刚度矩阵。 (4) 子程序FIFX(NP,FXI,FXJ,FYI,FYJ,MMI,MMJ,WL,IE,JE)的功能 它是用来计算各单元的等效节点荷载。 (5) 子程序STIFF(E,KE)的功能 (Book program consists of five sub-programs, and its main functions are: (1) subroutine CXCY (E, L, IE, JE) function The unit used to calculate the length of the bar and in the structure coordinates of the angle α of the trigonometric functions cosα, sinα. (2) subroutine ELEA (E, L, IE, JE, A) function Coordinate system used to calculate the structure of the element stiffness matrix stiffness. (3) subroutine TOTAL (E, LNODE, KE, KZ) function Used to form the structure of semi-bandwidth of the original stiffness matrix. (4) subroutine FIFX (NP, FXI, FXJ, FYI, FYJ, MMI, MMJ, WL, IE, JE) function It is used to calculate the equivalent nodal load of each unit. (5) subroutine STIFF (E, KE) function )
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