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于 2012-06-13 发布 文件大小:618KB
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  光大证券--金融工程-股指期货量化交易策略研究:枢轴突破策略(Everbright Securities- financial engineering- Stock index futures quantify Trading Strategies: Pivot breakthrough strategy)


Pivot Point Break Strategy.pdf,654442,2012-06-13



0 个回复

  • User-Experience-Case-Study
    互联网产品用户体验案例分析,帮助提高用户体验。(Internet product user experience case studies to help improve the user experience.)
    2013-08-20 15:57:34下载
  • guandao
    利用静基座下惯性导航系统的误差方程,用matlab/simulink建立了惯导误差仿真模型(The use of static base under the inertial navigation system error equation, using matlab/simulink simulation model established the INS error)
    2010-03-08 18:15:16下载
  • biyesejitognxinxitong
    中文摘要 正交频分复用( OFDM , Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)是当前一种非常热门的通信技术。它即可以被看作是一种 调制技术,也可以被看作是一种复用技术。由于它具有抗多径衰落和频谱 利用率高的特点,因此被广泛应用于高速数字通信领域,比如应用于IEEE 802.11a无线局域网(WLAN)的物理层等等。 我的毕业设计的核心任务是:采用 FPGA 来实现一个基于OFDM 技术 的通信系统中的基带数据处理部分,即调制解调器。其中发射部分的调制 器包括:信道编码(Reed-Solomon 编码),交织,星座映射,FFT和插 入循环前缀等模块。我另外制作了相应的解调器,可以实现上述功能的逆 变换。 另外,我还对OFDM技术, IEEE 802.11a的标准文献,基于Simulink 的 OFDM 模型和仿真,ALTERA 公司的技术和 IP Core 的使用等方面进 行了研究。这些在文章中都有体现。 (Abstract Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM, Orthogonal the Frequency Division, Multiplexing) is a very popular communication technology. It can be seen as a Modulation technique can also be seen as a multiplexing technique. Because of its resistance to multipath fading and spectrum High utilization characteristics, and is widely used in high-speed digital communications, such as used in IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN (WLAN) physical layer. The core mission of my graduation project: FPGA to implement a technology based on OFDM Communication systems in baseband data processing part, ie the modem. These emission part of the modulation Includes: channel coding (Reed-Solomon coding), interleaving, constellation mapping, FFT and interpolation Into the cyclic prefix modules. I also produced a corresponding demodulator can achieve the inverse of the above functions Transformation. In addition, OFDM technology, the IEEE 802.11a standard literature, based on Simulink )
    2012-05-20 21:58:18下载
  • 00368415
    The Condition Monitoring of Fluid-Filled Taped Cables Employed in Underground Transmission Through Dissolved Gas Analysis
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  • SurveyOfImageSuper-resolutionInvestigation
    来自万方数据库的付费论文,详细介绍了图像超分辨率算法研究(WanFangDATA paid from the paper, detailing the image super-resolution algorithm)
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  • bysjsc08
    弹片机介绍体积小、集成度高、可靠性好且易于扩展 具有较强的中断处理能力 高性能价格比 功能强、效率高的指令系统 低功耗、低电压 (Shrapnel machine introduced small size, high integration, reliability and easy expansion of the interrupt handling has a strong capacity to powerful high-cost-effective and efficient instruction system low-power, low voltage)
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  • jaifanghangyefenxi
    2012-2016年中国家纺行业市场分析与投资前景预测报告(Chinese textile industry market analysis and investment outlook report 2012-2016)
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