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于 2007-10-14 发布 文件大小:407KB
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 188


  使用Delphi开发的邮件服务器,能安全可靠地进行电子邮件的收发服务。(Delphi developed the use of the mail server that can secure and reliable way to send and receive e-mail service.)





0 个回复

  • GoogleMapsTest
    delphi 调用GOOGLE 地图API(delphi uses google map api test)
    2011-09-06 13:13:14下载
    Delphi program used to made program work as trial icon in task bar
    2013-11-26 18:35:51下载
  • chuankou
    delphi编译的串口调试工具,可十六进制发送,支持文件传输,含CRC8检验,功能实用,使用简便(delphi compiled serial debug tools, can be sent in hexadecimal, supports file transfer, including CRC8 testing, functional and practical, easy to use)
    2010-05-25 15:13:48下载
  • NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator
    2018-05-30 04:15:09下载
  • cview
    - 特别献给Delphi程序员! 献给delphi迷们的一个小礼物包! 程序员在编程中,有时要查看一小段网上下载源码,却要启动庞大DELPHI IDE,如果用记事本编辑程序则不太方便也不习惯,因为大家都习惯了IDE环境写东西,因此写了这个东东,能比较接近的模拟IDE环境,方便于查阅或修改程序源码, 综合考虑多个方面因素,设计这个程序的思路是小而精,启动速度要快,DELPHI IDE那些高亮设置要有,并增加了源码格式化功能,重点要突出,不要太花俏,更不能包罗万象,现在互联网上有很多工具软件,特别是初级程序员作品,都做得很花俏,虽然图文并茂内容丰富,却是为了做多而做多。但并不突所需要的功能。 我写这个东西,是因为我自己的需要,首先,再也不必为了修改一点小错误就打开Delphi IDE环境: 1、多种程序语言语法高亮度显示: 支持pas,vb,java,cpp. 2、源码格式化,支持pas源码格式化,JS源码美化. 3、可自定义文本高亮属性, 4、可个性化选择格式化显示习惯 5、支持鼠标拖放,鼠标右键。 6、熟练的程序员往往习惯用快捷键操作, 如ctrl+F 文件查找, f3查找下一个 ctrl+D 格式化源码, ctrl+O打开文件, ctrl+s保存(Special dedicated Delphi programmers!     Dedicated to the the delphi fans a little gift packs! Programmers in programming, sometimes you want to view a short online download source, have to start huge the DELPHI IDE, If you use Notepad to edit the program is less convenient and not used to, because we all used to the IDE environment to write something, so he wrote this stuff, close to the analog IDE environment, easy access or modify the program source, Consider multiple factors, the idea of ​ ​ the design of this program is small but, to start faster than the Delphi IDE highlighting settings have increased the source formatting features, emphasis should be prominent, not too fancy, not to inclusive, on the Internet there are many tools, especially the junior programmer works, have done very fancy, although the illustrated content rich, but it is to do more and do more. But it does not conflict the functionality required. I wrote this thing, because my own need)
    2012-08-11 16:05:56下载
  • delphi7
    1.SHIFT+鼠标左键 先选中任一控件,按键后可选中窗体(选中控件后按Esc效果一样) (1.SHIFT+ left mouse button to select any one of the first control, after the optional key in the form (select the same effect as the control, press Esc))
    2011-06-09 19:27:22下载
  • tuopan
    一个托盘程序。感兴趣的用户可以修改,使之能够使用gif图片。(A tray procedures. Interested users can modify to make it able to use gif image.)
    2007-09-14 18:27:28下载
  • bpl
    Delphi 开发过程中缺少的bpl文件,共八个。adortl60.bpl、bdertl60.bpl、dbrtl60.bpl、qrpt60.bpl、RTL60.BPL、 vcl60.bpl、vcldb60.bpl、vclx60.bpl(adortl60.bpl、bdertl60.bpl、dbrtl60.bpl、qrpt60.bpl、RTL60.BPL、 vcl60.bpl、vcldb60.bpl、vclx60.bpl)
    2020-08-28 09:48:12下载
  • krPanel_123456
    说明:  this is an advanced Panel component for intraweb, it is still in beta and need more test. also it needs other JS files to run correctly on client. a full file list will be uploaded later
    2020-01-23 08:29:23下载
  • Office_Control
    OfficeControl控件源码是能与office实现无缝衔接并在delphi环境下开发关于word文件控制(OfficeControl control source is able to achieve seamless integration with office and word document on the development of controlled environment under delphi)
    2016-11-22 22:04:33下载
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