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于 2012-06-15 发布 文件大小:2594KB
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说明:  solar pv mppt wind mppt using fuzzy logic control



0 个回复

  • FIR_digital_filter_design
    毕业论文 FIR滤波器的设计 毕业论文 FIR滤波器的设计(FIR filter design thesis)
    2010-06-08 23:46:55下载
  • fd1d_heat_explicit
    a program which implements a finite difference solution, explicit in time, of the time dependent 1D heat equation
    2009-06-06 21:03:07下载
  • matlab-sources
    说明:  matlab经典算法源程序,包括插值与拟合、规划问题、绘图、解方程、数据分析等(classical algorithm matlab source, including interpolation and fitting, programming, drawing, solving equations, data analysis, etc.)
    2011-03-25 13:14:29下载
  • GABP
    说明:  遗传算法GA—模拟自然界遗传机制和生物进化论而成的一种并行随机搜索最优化方法。(具有“生存+检测”的迭代过程的搜索算法)基于自然界“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的生物进化原理引入优化参数形成的编码串联群体中,按照所选择的适应度函数并通过遗传中的选择、交叉和变异对个体进行筛选,使适应度值好的个体被保留,适应度差的个体被淘汰,新的群体既继承了上一代的信息,又优于上一代。反复循环,直至满足条件。(GA-A parallel random search optimization method that simulates natural genetic mechanisms and biological evolution. (Search algorithm with "survival + detection" iterative process) Based on the biological evolution principle of "survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest" in the natural world, the coding series formed by optimized parameters is introduced. Individuals are screened according to the selected fitness function and through genetic selection, crossover, and variation, so that individuals with good fitness values are retained, individuals with poor adaptability are eliminated, and new groups inherit the information of the previous generation., Better than the last generation. Repeat until conditions are met.)
    2019-03-20 16:21:50下载
    MATLAB由于其强大的功能而被广泛应用于很多工程技术领域,尤其在通信和信息处理领域更有其突出地位。众所周知,在物理级的产品作出之前,先用MATLAB进行这种电子产品的输入输出以估计这种产品的性能好坏,从而可以看出什么地方需要从新设计,什么地方需要优化等来进一步提高系统的性能,因此,伴随着现代通信系统与日俱增的复杂性,这种通信系统的仿真分析也变得尤其重要。本文介绍了利用MATLAB进行正交振幅调制与解调的仿真分析,仿真结果验证了该方法的正确性和可行性。(MATLAB because of its powerful features and is widely used in many engineering fields, particularly in the field of communications and information processing more of its prominent position. As we all know, in physics class products made prior to such use MATLAB input and output of electronic products to estimate the performance of this product good or bad, so we can see where the needs of the new design, where the need for optimization to further improve system performance, therefore, accompanied by modern communications systems with ever-increasing complexity, such a communication system simulation analysis has become particularly important. This article describes the use of MATLAB to carry out quadrature amplitude modulation and demodulation of the simulation analysis, simulation results verify the correctness of the method and feasibility.)
    2007-10-22 15:09:30下载
  • shuanbihuanzhiliu
    Matlab/Simulink 电力拖动自动控制系统 直流调速系统 ( Matlab/Simulink DC motor double closed loop speed control system MATLAB simulation)
    2013-04-08 20:09:08下载
  • qpsk_ML
    ML decoder for QPSK signal to find symbol error rate.
    2015-08-17 04:47:19下载
  • Induction_motor_simulation_models_of_various
    matlab 电机仿真 (matlab Induction motor simulation models of various)
    2009-04-14 20:48:00下载
  • wind_PV
    中文核心期刊电网技术杂志上的一篇介绍风光储联合发电系统储能容量对有功功率的影响及评价指标的文章(Chinese core periodical grid technology magazine ran a scenery storage combined power generation system is introduced in this paper the influence of the energy storage capacity of active power and evaluation index of the article )
    2014-08-30 11:36:54下载
  • MathematicalFns
    Some mathematical functions
    2009-03-16 21:16:03下载
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