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于 2011-08-11 发布 文件大小:16KB
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  c语言的一些小李子,初学c的朋友有帮助,主要有顺序表、二分查找、二叉树、单链表等等(Some Survival Song c language, c beginner to help a friend, there are sequence tables, binary search, binary tree, a single linked list, etc.)



0 个回复

  • a-linked-list-and-related-processing
    链表的建立及相关处理,包括排序,删除,初始化,增加,删除等等,且程序已运行通过。(The establishment of a linked list and related processing, including sorting, delete, initialization, increase, delete, etc., and the program has been run through )
    2014-01-13 23:56:27下载
    一个MFC编的算法分析课程设计实验“重排九宫源码”(MFC compiled an algorithm analysis course design experiment " rearrangement kau kung source" )
    2010-03-11 16:13:32下载
  • Campus-navigation-problem
    校园导航问题,设计你的学校的平面图,至少包括10个以上的景点(场所),每两个景点间可以有不同的路,且路长也可能不同,找出从任意景点到达另一景点的最佳路径(最短路径)。 要求: (1)以图中顶点表示校园内各景点,存放景点名称、代号、简介等信息;以边表示路径,存放路径长度等有关信息。 (2)为来访客人提供图中任意景点相关信息的查询。 (3)为来访客人提供任意景点的问路查询,即查询任意两个景点之间的一条最短路径。 (4)修改景点信息。 (Campus navigation problem, the design of your school s plan, at least more than 10 attractions (places), between every two spots can have a different way, and the long road may be different, to find spots to reach from any other attractions best path (shortest path). Requirements: (1) graph vertices represent various campus sites, storage sites name, code, profile and other information the side that path, the path length of storage of information. (2) the figure for visiting any sites offering information about the query. (3) any attractions for visiting guests ask queries of that query any two of the shortest path between sites. (4) modify the attractions information.)
    2011-08-12 10:34:14下载
  • hamidunp2Boulatu
    关于中国邮递员的解决办法,个人觉得还不错的说(Chinese postman)
    2012-06-10 17:28:15下载
  • Maze_Engine
    数据结构一书上 关于迷宫游戏的算法 (Book on data structure algorithms on maze game)
    2010-06-12 09:47:17下载
  • KDTreeTest
    一个KDtree的程序,包含建树过程和消耗的时间。(A KDtree procedures, including the contribution to the process and time consuming.)
    2020-12-22 10:29:08下载
  • Task1-trial--10211281--zly
    描述:足球俱乐部包括球员、普通行政人员。球员有姓名、年龄、能力、年薪、转会费、进球总数、服役年限等重要参数;普通行政人员有姓名、年龄、能力、年薪等参数。你需要给相关管理机构开发一个管理程序,实现对众多足球俱乐部管理的基本功能。具体功能包括: a) 俱乐部的增删改查,俱乐部的属性包括名称、现金、其下人员; b) 可以对所有球员的各项属性进行简单搜索,支持输入多个条件,条件之间用&&连接,例如: i. “年龄不大于25且服役年限大于5年且进球数大于100的球员”,查询表达式:!(@age>25) && @experience>5 && @kick>100 c) 支持球员在不同俱乐部间的买卖,买卖需符合以下条件:作为买方的俱乐部的现金>=球员的转会费,交易完成后,卖方将得到转会费。 要求: d) 必须采用面向对象的方式,使用类组织数据结构,并注意类的继承关系; e) 在题目要求基础上可以自行扩展功能,提供扩实用扩展功能者适当加分(加分不超过5分)。 (Description: Football club including players, general administrative staff. Player name, age, ability, salary, transfer fee, total number of goals, service life and other important parameters ordinary administrative staff name, age, ability, salary and other parameters. You need to give the relevant management agencies to develop a management program to achieve the number of football club management s basic functions. Specific features include: a) the club CRUD, the name of the club s property, including cash, under which personnel b) all players can perform a simple search of the property, supports input multiple conditions with && connection between conditions, for example: i. "Age is not greater than 25 and greater than 5 years service life and goals more than 100 players," query expression:! (@ age> 25) && @ experience> 5 && @ kick> 100 c) Support the players traded between different clubs, the sale subject to the following conditions: As a buyer s club cash> = pl)
    2013-08-20 10:09:29下载
  • ListOrder
    链表,输入一定的数据,通过链表进行储存,并排序后输出。(List。Input numbers,then output in order~~)
    2011-11-24 11:02:04下载
  • code1
    键盘任意输入一组字母或数字生成无序数组,对数组按ASCII顺序进行排序(排序要求至少用两种排序算法),再从键盘输入一个值进行二分查找,返回查找成功或者失败的信息(Keyboard input and a group of letters, or any number of arrays, and generate disordered array sort order according to the ASCII at least two requirements (sort of), sorting algorithms from the keyboard input a value dichotomy, returns to find success or failure of the information)
    2010-07-14 11:42:56下载
  • zhebanchazhao
    这半查找法 是一种快速查找算法 查找效率比较高 容易实现 理想的查找算法(This search method is a fast and find more efficient algorithms to find easy to implement the ideal search algorithm)
    2012-05-04 00:03:29下载
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