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于 2011-08-12 发布 文件大小:5KB
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  信号去噪的基本步骤: (1)信号的小波分解; (2)小波分解高频系数的阈值量化; (3)信号的小波重构。使用分解的低频系数以及阈值量化后的高频系数进行小波重构。 (The basic steps of signal denoising:( 1) of the wavelet decomposition of signals ( 2) the high frequency coefficients of wavelet decomposition threshold quantization ( 3) the signal wavelet reconstruction. Using the decomposition of the low frequency coefficient and threshold quantization the high-frequency coefficient after wavelet reconstruction.)



0 个回复

  • KTHorb
    There are numerous MATLAB m-files included in this software package. Thus, the the authors have bundled all files and sample data in a *.zip file (KTHorb.zip). The Readme.txt file describes the directories created when the .zip file is unpacked. The file Matlab_implementation.doc (or Matlab_implementation.txt) describes some of the classes and methods included in the package for GPS satellite orbit interpolation.(There are numerous MATLAB m-files included in this software package. Thus, the the authors have bundled all files and sample data in a*. zip file (KTHorb.zip). The Readme.txt file describes the directories created when the. Zip file is unpacked. The file Matlab_implementation.doc (or Matlab_implementation.txt) describes some of the classes and methods included in the package for GPS satellite orbit interpolation.)
    2007-12-26 04:10:55下载
  • beamform
    code of beamforming technique
    2010-12-07 04:09:51下载
  • bisection
    techniques for solving a single nonlinear equation
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  • Beamforming-Tech
    此书是介绍beamforing技术的书籍,书中对这个 有较为详细的说明介绍,对于了解这个技术非常好(This book focused on beamforming tech and give us some detailed information on this tech)
    2014-11-26 17:20:51下载
  • Thin_Plate_Vibrate
    使用MATLAB计算薄板的模态分析、静力分析以及简谐激励响应(Modal analysis, static analysis and harmonic excitation response of thin plates are calculated by MATLAB.)
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  • guanlian
    目标跟踪中航迹关联算法,二维分配,三位定位(Track correlation algorithm for target tracking, two-dimensional distribution)
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  • Blob
    blob代码分析,真正的代码分析,超好的资料超详细,欢迎下载,(blob code analysis, the real code analysis, super good super-detailed information, please download,)
    2009-12-25 22:10:13下载
    关于DCT和DWT在MATLAB上面的实现,很有参考价值(DCT and DWT in MATLAB for the implementation of the above, a good reference)
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  • alpha-beta
    alpha-β滤波器是针对匀速运动目标模型的一种常增益滤波器,本代码给出了在目标机动指标已知、未知和自适应滤波三种情况下的仿真代码(alpha-β filter is a moving target model for a uniform constant gain filter, the code is given in the target mobile targets known, unknown and adaptive filtering three cases of simulation code)
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