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于 2009-02-15 发布 文件大小:3845KB
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  midi检索 根据midi值 对曲库中的音乐进行检索(midi search midi value on the basis of song music library search)



......\ELEC 301 Projects Fall 2006
......\...........................\01Motivation and Background Information.doc
......\...........................\01Motivation and Background Information.mht
......\...........................\01Motivation and Background Information.pdf

......\...........................\02Detecting Note Onsets.doc
......\...........................\02Detecting Note Onsets.mht
......\...........................\02Detecting Note Onsets.pdf
......\...........................\03Finding Piano Note Frequencies.mht
......\...........................\03Finding Piano Note Frequencies.pdf
......\...........................\04Decoding Frequencies into Notes.mht
......\...........................\04Decoding Frequencies into Notes.pdf
......\...........................\05Finding Tempo and Note Lengths.mht
......\...........................\05Finding Tempo and Note Lengths.pdf
......\...........................\06Results, Achievements and Shortcomings of our Implementation.mht
......\...........................\06Results, Achievements and Shortcomings of our Implementation.pdf
......\...........................\07Possible Improvements and Additional Projects.mht
......\...........................\07Possible Improvements and Additional Projects.pdf
......\...........................\Matlab Code that implements Piano Note Detection.mht



0 个回复

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