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于 2011-08-19 发布 文件大小:1KB
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说明:  利用costas环实现载波同步的matlab程序,载频10mHz(Costas loop to achieve carrier synchronization using the matlab program, carrier frequency 10mHz)



0 个回复

    MATLAB最优化计算,各种最优化算法例程序,非常实用。(MATLAB optimization, the optimization algorithm were all kinds of procedures, very useful.)
    2021-05-09 23:28:34下载
  • SharifPWE_BZplot
    The ouput is the TE/TM band structure (first five bands) along pricipal directions (G-X-M-G) of a square-lattice photonic crystal with unit cell consisting of a substrate of "epb" relative permittivity with circular rods(holes) of "epa" relative permittivity and radius "r". Usage is SharifPWE_BZplot(N,RES,r,epa,epb) N: N in PWE algorithm (number at which the summations are truncated) RES: number of the divisions on every side of BZ#1 r: normalized radius of the circle of holes/rods (0<r<0.5) epa: relative permittivity of holes/rods epb: relative permittivity of the substrate Written by Amir Hosseini for the Course Photonic Crystals (C) Copyright 2005 School of Electrical Engineering Sharif University of Technology All Rights Reserved
    2012-05-22 00:56:58下载
  • Antenna_Toolbox
    matlab antenna tool box matlab天线工具箱(matlab antenna tool box matlab antenna toolbox)
    2012-10-18 15:57:54下载
  • 1
    说明:  基于MATLAB的视网膜图像分割,对视网膜的血管进行分割,分割效果良好(MATLAB based retinal image segmentation, segmentation of retinal blood vessels, segmentation good results)
    2021-04-27 12:58:44下载
  • peak_detect
    自己写的检测音频峰值包络的程序,需要的可以看一下(Write your own audio peak envelope detection process, the need to look at)
    2010-11-29 17:37:01下载
  • sampling_square
    this code is to sample the signal
    2011-05-27 16:40:00下载
  • SOM
    说明:  som算法 组织神经网络用于图像分割matlab实现(som-organizing neural network algorithm for image segmentation matlab achieve)
    2008-09-19 22:27:55下载
  • cnvjiaozhi
    交织编码是一种信道改造技术,它通过信号设计将一个原来属于突发差错的有记忆信道改造为基本上是独立差错的随机无记忆信道。交织编码作为克服衰落信道中突发性干扰的有效方法,通常和其它用于纠正无记忆独立差错的信道编码相结合构成级联码,广泛应用于当代移动通信。(intertwined coding is a channel modification techniques, it will be designed to signal through an unexpected error originally belonged to the memory channel transformation is essentially independent of the random errors unmarked Recalling Channel. Coding intertwined as to overcome sudden fading channel interference effective way and the other is usually used to correct errors without memory of the independent channel coding combined constitute cascade code, Contemporary widely used mobile communications.)
    2006-06-01 11:25:29下载
  • filter
    matlab对图像随机添加四种噪声,然后分别通过自编中值滤波,均值滤波,高斯滤波,和维纳滤波进行滤波(matlab add four random noise to the image, and then were filtered by self median filtering, mean filtering, Gaussian filtering, and Wiener filtering)
    2014-10-18 09:09:06下载
  • PV_buck_boost_mppt
    此仿真是风力发电直流侧斩波控制simulink仿真(This simulation is the wind power dc side chopper control simulink simulation)
    2019-03-12 21:14:09下载
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