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于 2012-06-26 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  this the code of hybrid big-bang big-crunch algorithm in matlab



0 个回复

  • mirt_dctn
    text hide in an another image using LSB steganography.
    2010-09-09 19:12:48下载
  • switch_sin_sigal
    用于产生分段正弦信号,一维小波分解,重构1~5层逼近信号approximation signa,构造1~5层细节信号(Based on one dimension wavelet, reconstruct 1~5 approximation signa,construct detail signal 1~5 floor.)
    2009-12-22 13:16:18下载
  • DNON
    nonlinear dynamic analysis source code using brick element to analyze reinforced concrete structures beams plates and shell can be analyzed using this source code nonlinearity is taken through the cracking of concrete yielding of steel crushing of concrete
    2014-08-30 02:04:05下载
  • partial-band-jamming
    this program will help you to simulate partial band jamming on frequency hopping systems using the algorithms of spread spectrum book of ziemer
    2013-08-11 23:31:23下载
  • Buck基础电路仿真+PID控制电路原理图
    Buck基础电路MATLAB的Simulink仿真,12V-5V,参数已经调好 PID控制Buck电路原理图(VISIO图)(Simulink simulation of Buck basic circuit MATLAB, 12V-5V, parameters have been adjusted PID control Buck circuit schematic (VISIO diagram))
    2020-11-23 17:09:34下载
  • Radar_Target_Detection
    说明:  回波数据进行二位FFT处理结果和CFAR处理后结果对比(Comparison of the results of two-bit FFT and CFAR processing for echo data)
    2019-09-24 16:28:54下载
  • shuizhunpingcha
    水准网平差程序,可以计算水准导线精度及各点高程,结果列于文件中。(Level network adjustment program can calculate the level of precision wire and the point of elevation, the results listed in the file.)
    2011-09-26 16:32:04下载
  • matlabdescribeformanysignals
    各种信号的matlab描述,包括连续时间信号与离散时间信号等(many signals‘MATLAB describe)
    2010-11-06 15:38:20下载
  • PSO
    This paper propose a Firefly algorithm (FA) for optimal placement and sizing of distributed generation (DG) in radial distribution system to minimize the total real power losses and to improve the voltage profile. FA is a metaheuristic algorithm which is inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies. The primary purpose of firefly’s flash is to act as a signal system to attract other fireflies. Metaheuristic algorithms are widely recognized as one of the most practical approaches for hard optimization problems. The most attractive feature of a metaheuristic is that its application requires no special knowledge on the optimization problem. In this paper, IEEE 33- bus distribution test system is used to show the effectiveness of the FA. Comparison with Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA) is also given.
    2015-11-23 01:58:02下载
  • GA
    说明:  此算法是用遗传算法解决一元函数的最值问题(This algorithm is a function of genetic algorithm to solve the most value of a dollar problem)
    2009-12-03 18:53:40下载
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