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于 2013-01-13 发布 文件大小:2KB
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  循环冗余校验(CRC)的生成多项式为CRC-16: x16+x15+x2+1。(CRC-16: x16+x15+x2+1.)



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  • mmpage
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    CDMA Simulation Using MATLAB This program models a simple implementation of CDMA technology. It considers multiple bit data streams sent by any number of senders across a common channel. Each sender uses a unique code word, given by the Walsh set, to encode its data, send it across the channel, and then perfectly reconstruct the data at the receiver. The simulation utilizes these simplifications: 1. The individual data streams share the same bit length. 2. The code words are determined using the Walsh set to create orthogonal code words. 3. The spreading factor M of each code word is identical. 4. All users (data streams and codes) are synchronized in time. 5. Set-up and hold times of real-world systems are ignored. 6. The channel through which the data passes is ideal.
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