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于 2013-08-15 发布 文件大小:19KB
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  VB多线程控制台类及源代码实例,有需要的下。(Console class and multi-threaded VB source code examples, there is need for the next.)



0 个回复

  • ThreadCritical
    控制台程序中Critical简单使用实例。创建两个线程使线程能够达到同步。(Console application Critical simple example. Create two threads to synchronize the threads.)
    2016-04-01 22:18:58下载
  • MFC_multithread_about_play_and_save_audio
    MFC多线程类播放和保存声音MFC multithread about play and save audio(MFC multithread about play and save audio)
    2009-05-12 11:01:38下载
  • dofectPmitationoscilloscope
    模仿示波器的代码,效果很好,不错不错,仅供学习(Imitation oscilloscope code, the effect is very good, only for learning)
    2018-12-01 11:19:19下载
  • CPUdrawsina
    采用多线程技术,在任务管理器上显示CPU正弦曲线,挺有意思的,《编程之美》中提到过的(Multi-threading technology, the task manager shows CPU sine curve, very interesting, " Programming of the United States" in the mentioned)
    2013-07-13 21:30:45下载
  • duohePPT
    说明:  有关多核运算的PPT资料,多核程序设计及多核技术导论(PPT information about multi-core computing, multi-core programming and multi-core technology, Introduction to)
    2010-03-22 16:19:32下载
  • CriticalSecitonThreadSyn
    vc——使用临界区对象(CriticalSeciton)实现线程同步CriticalSecitonThreadSyn的程序源码,值得一看!(vc- use a critical section object (CriticalSeciton) to achieve thread synchronization CriticalSecitonThreadSyn the program source code, worth a visit!)
    2011-08-23 00:13:02下载
  • lingyun2009
    重写线程化操作模块,集群操作时,控制端自动检测CPU使用率而调整工作线程,更加稳定 加强了内网共享传播,文件感染(仅供公司或者网吧测试局域网安全性) DDOS模块添加多种攻击方式,加入了CC变异,无限CC,HTTP空GET,TCP多连接,UDP碎片攻击,发包稳定高效。自带的键盘记录可以穿透杀软的保险箱而正常工作,真正的一键代理,开启3389,内网映射,文件管理支持断点续传 。(Rewrite the threading operation module, cluster operation, the control-side CPU utilization and adjust automatically detect the work of threads, more stability and enhanced communication within the network share, file infection (for companies or Internet cafes test LAN security) DDOS module to add a variety of attacks, joined the CC variation, unlimited CC, HTTP empty GET, TCP and more connection, UDP fragmentation attack, stable and efficient contracting. The keyboard comes with recording software can penetrate to kill the safe and normal operation, the real agent of a key to open the 3389, internal network mapping, document management support for HTTP.)
    2010-07-19 21:36:15下载
  • hhhh
    功能很强大,内容很丰富,很有实用价值的线程与进程实例,供大家参考(Function is very powerful, the content is very rich, very practical examples of threads and processes, for your reference)
    2010-03-05 08:54:18下载
  • jyga
    这个程序时avl树的所有算法的实现,包括插入删除新建排序,是数据结构学习者的极佳材料(Avl tree all the algorithm when the program implementation, including delete insert new sorting, excellent material learners is a data structure)
    2017-04-12 06:42:02下载
  • Recv
    c++基于socket的多线程文件传输、断点传输等等接收端代码(c++ socket-based multi-threaded file transfer, transmission, and so the receiver code breakpoint)
    2011-06-17 18:57:52下载
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