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于 2013-08-16 发布 文件大小:202KB
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  Delphi中Timer组件的使用,经测试时正确的,方便学习者学习Delphi(The use of the Timer component in Delphi, right when tested, convenient learners learning Delphi )



0 个回复

  • vcl40
    说明:  Delphi 4 VCL for use in delphi
    2020-06-25 01:00:01下载
  • RS232回环测试
    说明:  Delphi 串口通讯的例子,可以用来做通讯的回环测试(Delphi commport test,can used to in-out test)
    2020-06-21 15:00:02下载
  • CCR Exif v1.5.1
    EXIF信息代表的是可交换图像文件信息。当你储存JPEG或者TIFF格式的照片时,这张照片的所有信息都储存在EXIF信息中。几乎所有的相机厂商都支持拍摄的照片输出EXIF信息。(EXIF information represents exchangeable image file information. When you save a photo in JPEG or TIFF format, all information of the photo is stored in EXIF information. Almost all camera manufacturers support the output of EXIF information for photos taken.)
    2019-06-24 16:01:24下载
  • delphimuma
    delphi木马编写技巧~包括自动启动自动关联程序~等等~(Delphi trojans writing skills- including automatic startup automatic correlation program ~ ~)
    2014-01-07 16:44:51下载
  • theFileTrans
    delphi编写的文件上传服务/客户端程序,支持断点续传,xml保存记录等功能(delphi upload the document prepared by the services/client support HTTP. xml record-keeping and other functions)
    2007-02-04 21:38:33下载
  • NetController
    lite remote administration tool
    2017-08-19 15:05:55下载
  • cal
    计算式的计算,能用字符的形式完成大部分的计算,应该有不少人编了此程序,但是这个还是有新颖之处,完全是对字符处理产生的计算,可以使用全角计算符,对三角函数,科学计数等有很好的支持,算是我对字符串处理一个探索成果。(Formula calculation, can be used to complete most of the characters in the form of calculation, should be compiled of the many people in this process, but this is still a novelty, is Zifu handling to complete the calculation, you can use full-width calculation breaks, on trigonometric functions, scientific counting good support, I suppose I deal with an exploration of the string results.)
    2010-07-17 18:04:00下载
  • uRMF
    delphi环境下的 Real Media文件格式类型的说明及操作单元(Real Media File Format, and its Operations, in Delphi)
    2016-12-31 18:02:01下载
  • delphil-flashform
    1,FlashWindow(Application.Handle, True) 让主程序在任务栏上的图标闪烁 2,FlashWindow(form.Handle, True) 让指定的form状态栏闪烁 3,对于在任务栏上没有图标的form,比如form2可以用下面这个过程模拟一下, procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) override procedure TForm2.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) begin inherited Params.WndParent := 0 //此段代码的意思是使窗口显示在任务栏中 end 此时FlashWindow(form2.Handle, True) 让form2在任务栏上的图标就会闪烁 (delphil flashform)
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  • gs
    说明:   Delphi公式解析器,自己写的解析公式程序,感兴趣的朋友们自己下载源码研究吧。可以算出上边括号中的公式里的值,太复杂的公式没有试验过,或许也可以。(Delphi formula parser, write their own analytical formulas procedures, interested friends to download their own source of it. Can calculate the formulas in the upper brackets the value is too complex formulas not tested, maybe you can.)
    2013-06-19 17:09:04下载
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