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于 2012-07-07 发布 文件大小:4098KB
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  电影推荐系统,学校要求做的,vc,比较简单(Movie recommendation system, the school asked to do, vc, is relatively simple)





0 个回复

  • SHEmptyRecycleBin
    VB使用SHEmptyRecycleBin方法, 依赖于shell32.dll动态链接库清空回收站,点击窗口中的按钮即可一键清空回收站。本源码主要是熟悉SHEmptyRecycleBin函数的使用,这个函数不只有清空回收站的功能,还可以统计查询回收站中的文件数量,占用字节大小等。 (VB using the SHEmptyRecycleBin method, relies on the dynamic link library shell32.dll empty the recycle bin, click on the window button quick clear recycling station. The main source is the use of familiar with the SHEmptyRecycleBin function, this function is not only the empty recycle bin function, can also query statistics the number of files in the recycle bin, occupy the byte size etc.. )
    2013-08-02 16:21:29下载
  • CloseUSB
    禁用USB,光驱,注册表,组策略..等,,(Disable USB, CD-ROM drive, registry, group policy .. and so on,)
    2011-01-30 17:05:06下载
  • time
    自宣言型记时器,可以自定义记时方式,标题,时间长度等。(Since the Declaration type chronograph, you can customize chronograph, title, time, length and so on.)
    2013-09-02 16:43:01下载
  • HideWnd
    VC编写的隐藏桌面窗口程序的工具,可以方便快速的一键隐藏和显示指定的程序!(VC hiding desktop windows program written in the tools that can facilitate the quick hide and show a button with the specified procedure!)
    2010-01-06 14:04:43下载
  • file_manage_system_VB
    一个兼具有excel一样的多文档功能,同时具有word的文档编辑和格式编辑功能(One and the same with excel multiple document features, but also has word document editing and formatting editing functions)
    2013-08-09 10:19:44下载
  • youxiangtu
    编写C程序,随机给出n*n的邻接矩阵,并打印输出邻接矩阵,以及有向图的边的个数,每个顶点的度,并判断该图中是否存在Euler回路: (1)如果为n阶,则随机产生一个n*n的邻接矩阵; (2)输出邻接矩阵,边的个数,每个顶点的度以及图中是否存在Euler回路。 这个题目涉及到了两个主要的知识点,一个是数据结构中的有向图的邻接矩阵的创建,还有就是离散数学中的Euler回路的判定定理。(The preparation of C procedures, were randomly given n* n s adjacency matrix and adjacency matrix printouts, as well as to map the number of edges, each vertex degrees, and determine the existence of the map Euler circuit: (1) If for n-order, then randomly generated a n* n adjacency matrix (2) output adjacency matrix, the number of edges, each vertex of degree as well as map the existence of Euler circuit. This topic relates to two main points of knowledge, a data structure of digraph adjacency matrix of creation, there is discrete mathematics in the loop to determine Euler theorem.)
    2008-06-14 02:33:57下载
  • UserClone
    功能: 1.增加用户并添加到Administrators组 2.克隆指定帐户(Function: 1. Increase the users and added to the Administrators group 2. Cloning of a designated account)
    2021-05-06 18:28:37下载
  • frmBattery
    vb笔记本电池电量检测程序,有兴趣的就下载吧。(vb laptop battery detection procedures are interested to download it.)
    2013-07-25 07:23:14下载
  • jjjxm
    包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块,基于欧几里得距离的聚类分析,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真。( PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation.)
    2017-05-03 16:17:30下载
  • source-of-VB-code-surface
    本程序是用Visual Basic语言编写,用于控制六关节机械手的运动,以及开发了用于管理控制各个关节运动的指令窗口。(This program is written in Visual Basic is used to control the movement of the six-joint robot, and the development of the instruction window for management control of each joint movement.)
    2012-08-18 15:03:04下载
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