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  EMC信息存储与管理 作 者:(美国)萨曼达 人民邮电出版社(EMC information storage and management of: (U.S.) Saman Da People' s Posts and Telecommunications Press)


Information Storage and Management.pdf,15555473,2013-01-14



0 个回复

  • Gear-method
    了解吉尔法解常微分方程组的数学方法,并熟悉它在实际中的应用。(Jill law understanding of ordinary differential equations solution of the mathematical methods, and are familiar with it in practical applications.)
    2021-03-08 11:29:28下载
  • rtklib_2.4.1
    rtklib 版本2.4.1 An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning 日本开源网站上提供的关于GPS卫星数据解算的程序。All of the executable binary APs for Windows are included in the package as well as whole source programs of the library and the APs. * For real-time PPP, EUREF and IGS have already started to distribute real-time satellite orbit and clock as RTCM v.3 SSR messages via NTRIP. To receive the real-time satellite orbit and clock, users have to make registration and get an account to access the NTRIP broadcasters. Refer BKG GDC site http://igs.bkg.bund.de/ntrip/index for details. (All of the library functions and APIs are written in ANSI C (C89). The library internally uses standard socket and pthread for Linux/UNIX or winsock and WIN32 thread for Windows. By setting compiler option-DLAPACK or-DMKL, the library uses LAPACK/BLAS or Intel MKL for fast matrix computation. The console APs are also written in standard C. The library and console APs can be built on many environments like gcc on Linux. The GUI APs are written in C++ and utilize Borland VCL for the GUI toolkit. All of the executable binary APs in the package were built by free edition Borland Turbo C++ 2006 (http://www.turboexplorer.com)* on Windows. The binary APs were tested on Windows XP SP3 32bit and Windows 7 SP1 64bit. The console APs are also built and tested on Ubuntu 9.04 Linux. )
    2011-07-27 12:18:09下载
  • data_fusion
    汽轮机轴系振动故障诊断中的信息融合方法研究(Research on Information Fusion for Vibration Faults of Steam Turbine Shaft System )
    2010-06-21 16:45:35下载
  • SurveyOfImageSuper-resolutionInvestigation
    来自万方数据库的付费论文,详细介绍了图像超分辨率算法研究(WanFangDATA paid from the paper, detailing the image super-resolution algorithm)
    2009-10-16 14:59:49下载
  • MaTeyou-CFD
    马铁犹-计算流体动力学,一本介绍CFD很好的书,希望大家有用(Ma Teyou-CFD, hope the book can help you.)
    2010-12-17 09:57:31下载
  • shuixiaxindaodejiucuomayanjiujiruanjianshixian
    水下信道的纠错码研究及软件实现,对研究纠错码的工程师有帮助(Underwater channel error-correcting codes and software implementation, error-correcting codes of research will help engineers)
    2008-12-26 17:41:16下载
  • Answer-true-through-IT-students
    这是一部写给在校计算机专业学生的书 如果没有看到这本书 你可能会茫然无措的度过学习阶段(This is a book written for computer major students If you don t see this book You may be at sea through the learning phase)
    2013-08-05 17:28:15下载
  • AdvancedComponentDevelopment
    最近在弄GIS二次开发,附件是组件开发教程,希望有用。(Advanced Component Development Tutorial)
    2010-03-02 17:58:14下载
  • AARMM7zipR
    一种基于ARM7的便携式式心电监护仪及心电分析的研究 (An analysis based on the ARM7-portable ECG and ECG)
    2012-07-26 22:08:45下载
  • Information-Storage-and--Management
    EMC信息存储与管理 作 者:(美国)萨曼达 人民邮电出版社(EMC information storage and management of: (U.S.) Saman Da People' s Posts and Telecommunications Press)
    2013-01-17 20:34:04下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
  • 67今日下载