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于 2011-09-02 发布 文件大小:10574KB
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  VLFEAT,一个强大的SIFT库函数,适合MATLAB和VC应用(VLFEAT, a powerful SIFT library functions for MATLAB and VC application)



0 个回复

  • Matlab--one-hundred-cases
    Matlab 实用程序百例,对初学者很有用,推荐下载。(Matlab utility, one hundred cases, very useful for beginners, recommended download.)
    2011-10-23 16:50:41下载
  • facegui
    reconocimiento de rostros
    2011-07-16 01:56:04下载
  • dlmread
    在matlab上读取数据 应用广泛 便于以后对数据进行进一步的处理 (Input the data by matlab)
    2013-01-22 21:37:59下载
  • code-vrpmtw
    algorithm base for the MACS_VRPTW
    2010-05-13 01:01:58下载
  • dwt2
    本文提出了一种基于独立分量分析的音频数字水印方法。嵌入水印时,对原始音频文件进行一级小波分解,在分解 得到的逼近分量中利用随机混合方法嵌入水印后进行小波逆变换形成嵌入水印的音频文件。仿真实验结果表明这种方 法的强鲁棒性和可行性。(Abstract:Audio p roduction is one of the important digital multimedias, which transmit becomes more and more convenient. To p revent the multimedia content from being stolen or illegally used, audio content p rotection techniques become increasingly impor2 tant so that the potential of these app lications can be reached. As the importantmethod of copyright p rotection, the digitalwater2 marking technology has been acquired widely recognition and research. This paper p resents a method of digital audio watermark2 ing based on independent component analysis. When embedding watermarking, the original audio is decomposed by single2level discrete 12D wavelet transform, watermarking is embedded by mixing randomly to the app roximation coefficient vector obtained, and the audio is single2level reconstructed receiving audio havingwatermarking. Emulated experiment results show that thismeth2 od is robust and feasible.)
    2009-06-04 17:43:21下载
  • 20061114200447122
    在MATLAB的运行环境下 傅里叶变换提取信号系数 相角 幅值(Operating environment in MATLAB Fourier transform to extract the amplitude of the signal phase angle coefficient)
    2011-08-31 11:11:54下载
  • myVAD
    calculate a voice detection.also one can calculate the frequency of his/her voice.
    2009-11-17 00:16:38下载
  • bp_filter
    说明:  带通滤波。该程序用matlab实现梯形窗的带通滤波,可以直接调用(Band-pass filter. Trapezoidal matlab implementation of the program window with a band-pass filter, can be called directly)
    2011-02-23 15:02:58下载
  • moblie
    自适应算术编码的框架,可以直接用来直接开发,用C语言编写的(adaptive arithmetic coding framework that can be directly used to direct development, using the C language)
    2006-10-28 20:08:11下载
  • finish
    实现快速傅里叶变换,自编函数FFT.而不需使用matlab自带的FFT函数(it can realize the fast fuleir tansform)
    2009-09-11 16:25:25下载
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