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于 2021-05-12 发布 文件大小:530KB
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  EnDat2.2 Datasheet, read this to impmement endat 2.2



0 个回复

  • 它是第一个既能用于数据加密也能用于数字签名的算法。它易于理解和操作...
    它是第一个既能用于数据加密也能用于数字签名的算法。它易于理解和操作-It was the first not only for data encryption can be used for digital signature algorithms. It is easy to understand and operate
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  • CareVis-Integrated-visualization
    介绍集成可视化的论文,包括了医疗行业的可视化,希望对各位有所帮助(The introduction integration visualization s paper, has included the medical profession visualization, hoped that has the help to each position )
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  • window Socket 学习,方便初学者学习与掌握
    window Socket 学习,方便初学者学习与掌握-window Socket learning to facilitate learning and to master for beginners
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  • 看看人家是如何编写程序的,华为编程规范与案例。
    看看人家是如何编写程序的,华为编程规范与案例。-Others look at how to prepare procedures, norms and cases Huawei programming.
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  • 空气湿度报警器,顾名思义,是用来测量空气中的湿度的仪器,他通过一个湿敏电容和一个频率输出电路对空气湿度进行检测,把湿度变化转变成频率输出。再通过单片机把输入的频...
    空气湿度报警器,顾名思义,是用来测量空气中的湿度的仪器,他通过一个湿敏电容和一个频率输出电路对空气湿度进行检测,把湿度变化转变成频率输出。再通过单片机把输入的频率转化为湿度百分值并通过LCD显示出来,使人可以通过显示清楚地看到空气的相对湿度。在单片机编程时可以预先设定一个限定值,当环境湿度达到设定的湿度值时电路报警,同时发光二极管变亮,达到湿度报警的目的。-Air humidity alarm, as the name implies, is used to measure humidity in the air apparatus, he humidity through a capacitor and a frequency output circuit for detection of air humidity, the humidity changes in the frequency of the output into. Through the single-chip frequency of the input into a percentile and humidity through the LCD display, one can clearly see through the display of the relative humidity of air. Single-chip can be programmed in advance to set a limit value, when the environmental humidity to achieve set alarm circuit humidity values, while LED light changes to achieve the purpose of humidity alarm.
    2022-02-12 05:08:17下载
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