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于 2013-08-20 发布 文件大小:3411KB
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  互联网产品用户体验案例分析,帮助提高用户体验。(Internet product user experience case studies to help improve the user experience.)


User Experience Case Study.pdf,3868385,2013-03-02



0 个回复

  • Cooperative-Path-Planning-BBO
    基于生物地理学优化的多UCAV协同航迹规划(Cooperative Path Planning for Multi-UCAV Based on Biogeography Based Optimization)
    2017-05-05 22:14:04下载
  • 00368415
    The Condition Monitoring of Fluid-Filled Taped Cables Employed in Underground Transmission Through Dissolved Gas Analysis
    2013-10-15 13:41:19下载
  • dd-160128fc-2a.pdf.tar
    OLED DISPLAY MODULE I m using a 160x128 Graphic OLED Display from Densitron (DD-160128FC-2A) with the ATmega1281. The LCD is controlled via a SEPS525 OLED Driver IC. I use the LCD in 8bit parallel mode.  Both the LCD and controller datasheet is VERY vague and I struggle to get the LCD to respond. The OLED controller is configured via 3 registers, IR (Index), WDR (Write Data Register) & RDR (Read Data Register).  It is the first time I come across this register INDEXING method and can t find any examples or discussions on the control sequence. 
    2009-07-21 13:43:58下载
  • 煤矿节能减排多目标优化
    针对传统煤矿节能减排优化模型选取的目标函数比较单一的问题,构建了涵盖经济效益、能源消耗、污染物排放量等目标函数的煤矿节能减排多目标优化模型,并应用基于改进的蝙蝠算法寻找3个目标函数之间的优化解,实现了经济效益最大化、能源消耗最低化、污染物排放量最少化的优化结果。仿真结果表明,相比于PSO-E、NSGA-II算法,改进的蝙蝠算法能够在较短的迭代步数内获取较高的个体适应度,且能够实现较佳的多目标优化结果,符合节能规划的目标需求。(Aiming at the problem that the objective function of the traditional coal mine energy saving and emission reduction optimization model is relatively simple, the multi-objective optimization model of coal mine energy saving and emission reduction is constructed, which covers economic benefit, energy consumption and pollutant emission. And the optimized solution is used to find the 3 target functions based on the improved bat algorithm, and the economy is realized. The optimization results of maximizing efficiency, minimizing energy consumption and minimizing pollutant emissions are achieved. The simulation results show that, compared with the PSO-E and NSGA-II algorithms, the improved bat algorithm can obtain higher individual fitness within a shorter iteration step, and can achieve better multi-objective optimization results, which is in line with the target demand of energy saving planning.)
    2018-04-13 20:36:49下载
  • 云计算战略思考
    互联网公司通过改良传统中间件或改进设计架构使其具备分布式能力,同时使用了新兴的采用分布式思路设计的大数据中间件等方案,让应用系统具备了支撑弹性扩展、高并发、海量数据、高可靠业务的能力,并大大缩短业务的上线和更新周期。(Strategic thinking of cloud computing)
    2017-11-17 21:36:40下载
  • 4kWbianxieshizhinengxudianchi
    说明:  4kw便携式蓄电池的研究,对便携式的开发具有很好的指导意义,欢迎下载交流。(4kw portable battery research on the development of portable has a good guide, welcome to download the exchange.)
    2010-03-31 20:22:25下载
  • lid driven flow
    Lbm用于模拟顶盖驱动流 强制对流 碰撞迁移过程(LBM for lid driven flow)
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  • etrij.apr2010.0241
    This document is: Performance Evaluation of Service-Aware Optical Transport System. They propose and experimentally demonstrate a service aware optical transport system. The proposed service aware optical transport system makes a flow based on service type and priority of traffic.
    2011-08-30 13:48:16下载
  • Interactio_Retransmission
    Interaction of Retransmission, Blacklisting, and Routing Metrics for Reliability in Sensor Network Routing powerpoint
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  • 工程领域中的格子波尔兹曼方法
    工程领域中的格子波尔兹曼方法,很经典的书籍,内含较多的代码(Engineering fields Lattice Boltzmann Method, classic books, containing more code)
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