首页 » Visual C++ » TFT240320


于 2013-07-21 发布 文件大小:60KB
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  TFT240320彩色液晶显示屏显示程序,库文件中定义了其常用的操作函数,可直接在主函数中调用(TFT240320 color LCD display program, the library file defines its common operating functions that can be invoked directly in the main function)



0 个回复

  • 2014730mfc1kinect-
    环境vs2010,kinect for wondows sdk v1.8 MFC 编写的显示人体骨骼,串口发送数据控制机械臂(Environment vs2010, kinect for wondows sdk v1.8 MFC write the display of human bones, serial transmit data control arm)
    2014-08-11 11:21:12下载
  • dianji
    步进电机驱动,四相五线步进电机控制的测试程序,C51编写,读者可稍加修给即可应用(Stepper motor driver)
    2012-05-30 10:36:28下载
  • UCS2Char
    该工具可以根据输入的UNICODE十六进制字符串计算出相应的汉字或ASCII码。比如:输入4F60便可以得到"你"。(The tool can be based on the input UNICODE calculate the corresponding hexadecimal string guy or ASCII.)
    2013-09-09 12:29:23下载
  • STM32 SPI读写FM25CL64铁电存储器
    STM32 SPI读写FM25CL64铁电存储器,程序为103RBT6单片机读写代码,包括SPI初始化、字节发送接收代码、FM25CL64读写代码(STM32 SPI read/write FM25CL64 ferroelectric memory, the application for 103 rbt6 microcontroller, speaking, reading and writing code, including the SPI initialization code byte code to send and receive FM25CL64, speaking, reading and writing )
    2020-06-27 02:20:02下载
  • suanfa
    打孔机主要用于在制造印刷线路板流程中的打孔作业。本问题旨在提高某类打孔机的生产效能。 打孔机的生产效能主要取决于以下几方面:(1)单个过孔的钻孔作业时间,这是由生(this is a new suan fa ofaa)
    2012-08-25 16:18:21下载
  • msp430g2553pinlvji.c
    基于MSP430G2553的频率计数计的程序编写,已经过测试,程序无误可以完整运行。(Based on the frequency count MSP430G2553 meter programming, has been tested, the program can complete run correctly.)
    2013-08-17 11:33:17下载
  • aa
    说明:  在编写程序时,遇到温度检测,则调用读温度软件包(In programming, temperature detection, call packages, read the temperature)
    2010-06-07 23:17:21下载
  • shaderFrame
    一个简单的open GL shader框架,简单到可以不用书籍就可以上手,(a simple openGL shader test, which is very simple enough make you to understand without any book)
    2015-05-01 13:37:39下载
  • Logic-Analyzer
    基于Cy7y168013USB接口芯片的逻辑分析仪keil源码(Logic analyzer based on Cy7y168013USB interface chip keil source code)
    2015-07-29 22:08:19下载
  • High-power-inverter-and-ac-drive
    本书是“国际电气工程先进技术译丛”之一,该书分14章,介绍了各种大功率变频器的拓扑结构及原理、传动系统的组成,以及与此相关的各种先进控制策略。书中还同时详细地给出了多个专题的相关技术背景。可作为学术研究、产品开发等专业技术人员或产品工程师参考。介绍了大功率变频器及中压交流传动的最新发展技术,包括各种大功率变频器拓扑结构、脉冲调制方法、先进控制策略以及工业产品设计经验。包括250多个图表,对所有的主要理论和控制方法都给出了计算机仿真结果和试验波形。对实际产品设计和工业应用中各种问题,书中也进行了介绍。(This book is one of the "international electrical engineering advanced technology translations", the book chapter 14 points, this paper introduces all kinds of high-power inverter topology and principle, the components of the drive system, and the related all kinds of advanced control strategy.Is also given in detail in the book more than one project related technical background.Can be used as an academic research, product development and other professional and technical personnel, or product engineer reference.High-power inverter are introduced and the latest development of medium voltage ac drive technology, including all kinds of high power converter topology, pulse modulation methods, advanced control strategy and industrial product design experience., including more than 250 chart for all the major theories and control methods are the computer simulation results and experiment waveforms are given.For all kinds of problems in the actual product design and industrial application, th)
    2014-01-13 11:12:08下载
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