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于 2013-07-21 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  标准AM振幅调制方式,ma=1时的标准AM振幅调制(Standard AM amplitude modulation, ma = 1 the standard AM amplitude modulation)



0 个回复

  • LVQ1
    说明:  matlab,编写的LVQ1数据挖掘分类算法。 (Matlab, prepared by the Data Mining LVQ1 classification algorithm.)
    2005-12-29 14:35:19下载
  • SAR456
    合成孔径雷达回波信号仿真,基于简单的点目标,在二维平面内的仿真。(The synthetic aperture radar echo signal simulation is based on the simple point target in the two-dimensional plane simulation.)
    2018-07-30 10:41:05下载
  • homework5b
    this code is for learning
    2010-11-25 10:44:22下载
  • aa
    说明:  《模糊系统与模糊控制教程》共31章,内容包括模糊数学与模糊逻辑中一些对于模糊系统理论有用的概念和原理,模糊系统的各组成部分,设计模糊系统的四种方法,模糊控制与非自适应模糊控制方法,以及若干不属于本书主体结构但很重要的专题等内容。(Book a course of fuzzy systems and fuzzy control, a total of 31 chapters, including some of the fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy logic for useful concepts and principles of fuzzy system theory, fuzzy system of each component, design the four methods of fuzzy system, fuzzy control with the adaptive fuzzy control method, and some do not belong to book the main structure but very important project, etc.)
    2014-08-21 20:53:33下载
  • PV_ppt
    Matlab based pv system
    2013-12-09 23:11:47下载
  • deflection-curve
    简支梁受均布荷载为常数。试用MATLAB编程, 1) 求剪力方程并绘出剪力图 ; 2) 求弯矩方程并绘出弯矩图 ; 3) 求转角方程并绘出转角图 ; 4) 求挠度方程并绘出挠度图 ; (The Charpy by uniformly distributed load is constant. Trial MATLAB programming, 1) and shear equation and draw the shear diagram 2) Find the moment equation and draw the bending moment diagram 3) Find the angular equation and draw the corner Figure 4) Find the deflection equation and draw the deflection diagram )
    2013-05-17 05:45:38下载
  • interval-R_R
    determination of R-R interval of each ECG wave of six limb leads (Leads I, II, III, AVR, AVL and AVF) by using square derivative curve technique. Baseline or isoelectric level of every ECG signal is also determined for accurate computation of net QRS deflection (NQD) at all the six above-mentioned leads.
    2015-04-06 05:39:36下载
  • Cargobin-packingproblem.jsp
    首先,打开MATLAB编辑器,输入该文件中程序码,把文件保存到MATLAB当前目录并命名为zhuangxiang.m,只需在命令窗口中输入zhuangxiang,按回车键,根据提示输入,便可解决贪心算法中货船装箱问题,以求得最优解。 (First of all, open the MATLAB editor, enter the file, program code, save the file to the MATLAB current directory and named zhuangxiang.m, simply type in the command window zhuangxiang, press the Enter key, according to prompts can be solved by greedy algorithm cargo bin-packing problem, in order to achieve the optimal solution.)
    2009-11-15 11:30:31下载
  • ode23tx
    Clever B.Moler 博士的经典著作《Mumerical Computing with MATLAB》介绍的一个ode23简化版ode23tx算法思想及其程序代码。(Clever B.Moler Dr. classics " Mumerical Computing with MATLAB" describes a simplified version of ode23tx ode23 algorithm ideas and program code.)
    2013-09-15 15:54:36下载
  • biosig4octmat-2.82
    biosig生物工具箱,免费哦,经测试完全可以用(biosig4octmat-2.82 include biosig,NaN,tsa biosig_installer.m )
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