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于 2012-07-16 发布 文件大小:662KB
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  。归纳和讨论了智能微电网的控制理论,将控制策略划分为电网跟随控制和电 网形成控制两大类,每一类同时又包含了交互式及非交互式控制思想,给出了清晰的定义和判断标准, 并提出智能微电网控制策略未来的发展方向。(Analysis was made to its system configuration and operation characteristics, the control theory of intelligent microgrid summarized and discussed to divide the control strategy into grid-following and grid-forming control two categories, each of which included interactive and non interactive control thinking with clear definition and determinant standard. This paper raised the microgrid control strategy in the future.)


Control Strategy.pdf,767902,2012-07-09



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