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  • 50841532C
    vfp开发的人力资源管理系统(Probe development of the human resources management system)
    2005-01-16 15:45:05下载
  • renliziyuanguanli
    说明:  人力管理VB源代码,可以直接修改并生成工程。(Manpower management VB source code, can be edited directly and generate the project.)
    2008-12-02 17:58:22下载
  • GUI_client
    基于Matlab平台的智能仓储管理系统的客户端界面,能实现货物进库出库管理。(Intelligent warehouse management system based on Matlab platform client interface to achieve the goods into the library out of database management.)
    2013-04-01 21:55:40下载
  • SISEAssetManageSystem1.0
    基于SQL server2000的固定资产管理系统(Based on SQL server2000 fixed asset management system)
    2011-07-07 16:32:11下载
  • student.cpp
    输入员工基本信息,和工作时间,系统自动计算员工工资情况(Enter basic information staff, and working hours, the system automatically calculates employee wages)
    2010-12-29 17:33:55下载
  • Job-analysis-system
    采用人力资源岗位工作分析方法,针对汽轮机计划类岗位建立岗位工作分析指标体系,结合实例进行指标体系的验证与分析,并开发具有一定通用性的岗位工作分析软件,达到客观评价汽轮机计划类岗位重要性、工作强度的目标,为汽轮机制造行业的人力资源管理和提供支持和依据。(Hr job analysis method, in view of the steam turbine is planning to set up working jobs analysis index system, combined with the instance validation and analysis of the index system, and development has a certain commonality of job analysis software, the objective evaluation to the steam turbine plan jobs, importance and intensity of work goal, for the steam turbine manufacturing industry human resources management and provide support and basis.)
    2013-07-27 18:39:52下载
  • 2012
    企业人事管理系统,含说明书,该说明书按论文格式写的。 系统介绍 根据企业对人事管理的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标: 操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。 在查看员工信息时,可以对当前员工的家庭情况、培训情况进行添加、修改、删除的操作。 方便快捷的全方位数据查询。 按照指定的条件对员工进行统计。 可以将员工信息以表格的形式插入到Word文档中。 实现数据库的备份、还原及清空的操作。 由于该系统的使用对象较多,要有较好的权限管理。 能够在当前运行的系统中重新进行登录。 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。 (Corporate personnel management system, including the specification, written in paper format. The system introduced according to the requirements of corporate personnel management, the system can achieve the following objectives: easy to operate, simple and beautiful interface. view employee information, can the current family of employees, training of add, modify, delete operation. convenient full data queries. statistical staff in accordance with the conditions specified. employee information can be inserted in a tabular format to a Word document. database backup, restore and empty the operation. As the use of the system object more, have better rights management. able to re-log in the system currently running. system is stable, safe and reliable.)
    2012-08-21 12:21:04下载
  • The-trading-company-manages
    贸易公司管理系统,采用SQL数据库,vc6.0编程实现。(Trading company management system that uses SQL database, vc6.0 programming.)
    2013-06-01 16:13:34下载
  • crms
    该源码包含了CRM系统的基本功能,如客户、销售、报表、EMAIL等的管理(The source code contains the basic functions of CRM systems, such as customers, sales, statements, EMAIL, etc. Management)
    2009-04-25 14:15:04下载
  • HrSys
    综合人事管理系统的C++源码,供有需要的朋友下载参考使用。(AppWizard has created this LaneSoft application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.)
    2016-02-12 01:53:22下载
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