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于 2012-07-17 发布 文件大小:183KB
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  二查树遍历文件,可以用于程序测试,有喜欢的朋友要多多使用哦(Two check tree traversal file that can be used for program testing)



0 个回复

  • datastr
    VC++常用的数据结构类源码 这是我在VC++日常开发中收集的一些经常用到的类库,每一款都可以轻松重用,这些类库适用于vs2003及以上的开发环境,其中 Thread 和 Delegate 是从C#中得到的灵感,还有一些是在使用开源代码或其它语言时得到的启发和灵感。个人认为部分代码还算好用,所以拿来分享一下。部分类库附带有例子,欢迎参考。 (Commonly used data structures in VC++ class source This is the daily development of VC++ I collected some frequently used library, each designed to easily reuse these libraries apply to vs2003 and development environment, including Thread and Delegate inspiration from C#, there are some inspired use of open source code or other languages ​ ​ and inspiration. Personally think that part of the code is fairly easy to use, so used to share. Some class library included with examples for reference.)
    2012-08-14 14:00:37下载
  • Four-bracket-operator
    数据结构中,运用链表实现四则括号运算等,运行在VC控制台上。(Data structure, the use of chain operations to achieve four brackets, etc., running in the VC console.)
    2011-12-12 10:51:31下载
  • Maze
    实现迷宫搜索程序。迷宫数据从文件输入。输出迷宫路径。 a) 实现从入口到出口的输出顺序; b) 能否打印行走方向(向左、向右、向前), 如: 1 先前 2 向右 6 向左 7; (Maze searching)
    2011-12-20 20:59:04下载
  • AVLTree
    好用的平衡二叉树类库,C++类库编写, 好用的平衡二叉树类库,C++类库编写(AVL tree implementation for C++)
    2009-03-12 12:02:05下载
  • migong
    迷宫问题,利用随机数自动生成迷宫,并自动进行探索。迷宫起点及终点由用户自己设定。(Maze problem, the use of random number automatically generated maze, and automatically explore. The starting point and end point of the maze is set by the user. 双语对照 )
    2021-04-26 16:48:45下载
  • 1
    说明:  数据结构中的顺序表,是其中的一个重要组成部分(The order of the table data structure is an important component of which)
    2011-05-06 14:34:13下载
  • dd2
    自己用c语言写的一个模块化多电平最近电平调制排序的c程序,希望对大家有帮助(Own use c language written in a modular multi-level modulation level recently sort of c program, we hope to help)
    2014-05-21 20:19:49下载
  • paixu
    使用的排序算法,非常不错的思维,比较其他有较大优势(Sorting algorithm used, very good ideas, have greater advantages compared with other)
    2009-05-05 17:54:54下载
  • HuffanCoding
    读取数据,统计所得到的文件中每个字母的权值,创建哈夫曼树,哈夫曼编码。哈夫曼解码,解码后内容写入到指定的文件。 读取数据里面的内容是由英文单词组成。读取文件的时候传入文件存放的路径、读取方式以及读出以后存放的数组,最终可以得到一个存放目标文件内容的数组。 将得到的数组进行字母权值的统计,统计每个字母出现的次数,次数即为每个字母的权值。 将得到的字符数组与权值数组作为创建哈夫曼树的依据,哈夫曼树根据每个字母权值的大小来创建,每个节点,包括权值、父节点、左子、右子和字母本身。 根据哈夫曼树进行编码。形成目标文件的哈夫曼编码,将此编码返回。 根据哈夫曼树得到的数组即为解码数组,解码数组作为解码的结果返回。 写入输出文件,将解码得到的数组、文件的完整路径以及文件的写方式作为参数传入,将数组写入到相应的文件中。 (Read the data, statistical documents obtained weights for each letter, create a Huffman tree, Huffman coding. Huffman decoding, the decoded contents are written to the specified file. Read the content inside is composed of English words. When the incoming file to read the file storage path, read mode and read out after storage array that can eventually get a storage target file contents of the array. The resulting array of letter weights statistics, statistical number of occurrences of each letter, the number is the weight of each letter. The resulting character array with the weights array as the basis for creating Huffman tree, Huffman tree based on the size of the weights of each letter to create, for each node, including weights, parent, left child, right child, and letter itself. According to Huffman coding. The formation of the target file Huffman coding, this code returns. According to Huffman decoding the resulting array is an array, the decoder decodes the result is retur)
    2020-07-02 15:40:01下载
  • Ex1
    从屏幕输入字符 判断括号匹配问题 数据结构作业(Judgment parenthesis matching data structure operations input characters from the screen)
    2012-11-27 15:17:10下载
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