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于 2011-09-13 发布 文件大小:413KB
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  一种改进的快速独立分量分析方法,加入了匹配系数加以改进(An improved method of fast independent component analysis, be improved by adding a matching coefficient)



0 个回复

  • aritificial-ant-algorithms-for-TSP
    说明:  应用双种群蚁群算法解决TSP问题,计算速度快,准确率高(Application of ant colony algorithm to solve TSP double population problem, computational speed, high accuracy)
    2011-03-16 16:45:32下载
  • gear3d
    齿轮的一个构建文件,matlab真的很厉害哈,我要好好学 恩恩(A build file gear, matlab really very powerful Ha, I must learn Blessings)
    2014-01-07 09:19:42下载
  • sample-theory-demo
    抽样定理演示程序,能清楚看到当抽样速率大于2fs时恢复模拟信号的过程和当抽样频率小于2fs时频率混叠的过程。同时还包括频率抽样过程的演示。非常详尽。通过此演示程序,你肯定能明白抽样定理这一通信领域基本的原理!(The sampling theorem demo program, you can clearly see that when the recovery process of the analog signal sampling rate greater than 2fs and frequency aliasing when the sampling frequency is less than 2fs process. Also includes a demonstration of the frequency of the sampling process. Very detailed. Through this demonstration program, you can certainly understand sampling theorem this basic principle in the field of communication!)
    2012-10-28 10:35:06下载
  • tftb-0.2
    la boite complementere tft du matlab
    2012-01-24 03:33:05下载
  • svpwm
    三相桥式逆变器的SVPWM控制方式(应用s函数)(Three-phase bridge inverter SVPWM control method (s application function))
    2020-08-26 16:18:13下载
  • data_annalysis
    压缩包包含matlab数值分析的源代码和演示ppt,希望对您有所帮助~~~~(Archive contains the source code matlab numerical analysis and presentation ppt, I hope for your help ~ ~ ~ ~)
    2011-10-29 10:52:29下载
  • sweb
    sweb a pedestrian MATLAB web session starter
    2010-10-18 05:53:07下载
  • imagerestoration
    图像复原 退化模型 连续退化模型 离散退化模型 复原的代数方法 代数复原原理 逆滤波复原 最小二乘方滤波 MATLAB 实现图像复原 维纳滤波复原 规则化滤波复原 Lucy-Richardson 复原 盲去卷积复原 图像复原的其它 MATLAB 函数 (Degradation of image restoration model continuous degradation model discrete degradation model recovery principles of algebra algebraic inverse filter to recover to recover MATLAB least squares filtering for image restoration Wiener filter to recover the rules-based filtering to recover Lucy-Richardson deconvolution to recover Blind Image Restoration to recover the other MATLAB Functions)
    2009-12-23 12:12:34下载
  • 1wei
    说明:  一维的基于时域有限查分方法的MATLAB程序,初学者学习FDTD用(One-dimensional time-domain finite-based methods of investigation points MATLAB program for beginners to learn to use FDTD)
    2010-04-16 08:59:17下载
  • 16-QAM-konstelacija
    16-QAM constelation Source code for 16-QAM constelation for various signal to noise ratio levels in dB
    2011-08-04 23:04:21下载
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