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于 2014-09-07 发布 文件大小:10KB
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  主成分分析的代码,很有用,效果很好。这是一个比较有用的C++代码。(Principal component analysis of the code, very useful, very good. This is a more useful C++ code.)



0 个回复

  • 0
    说明:  给定n种物品和一个背包,物品i的重量是Wi,价值是vi,被包容量是C,应该如何选择装入被包的物品,使得装入背包中物品的总价值最大?对于每种物品i,只有两种选择,装入或者不装入. 输入:第一行两个正整数n(物品数)和C(容量) 第二行n个正整数n,表示物品价值 第三行n个正整数n,表示物品重量 输出:第一行表示总价值 第二行n个数(0/1),0表示物品不装入,1表示装入 例如, 输入: 5 10 6 3 5 4 6 2 2 6 5 4 输出 15 1 1 0 0 1 (Species of a given n items and a backpack, the weight of item i is Wi, the value of vi, was packet capacity is C, should be how to choose a package of items to be loaded, the backpack load in the largest total value of goods? For each item i, there are only two options, loaded or not loaded. Input: the first line of the two positive integer n (the number of items) and C (capacity) of the second line of n positive integer n, that the value of the third line of n positive integer n, that the weight of output: the total value of the first line of the second line, said n number of (0/1), 0 that the items do not load, that load 1 for example, enter: 5,106,354,622 6 5 4 output 15 1 1 0 0 1)
    2009-07-01 23:07:01下载
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  • babu
    this is average filter .raw and .bmp file converter.
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