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于 2012-07-20 发布 文件大小:117KB
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  基于MATLAB的线性调频信号产生和频谱分析,某雷达参数数下的模糊函数及自相关函数仿真分析。,已通过测试。 (MATLAB linear FM signal generator and spectrum analysis, the number of parameters of a radar ambiguity function and autocorrelation function of simulation analysis. , Has been tested.)



0 个回复

  • get-father-process-name
    在应用程序中调用内核函数获取父进程的全路径名的最好方法。在辨识由谁启动的时候要用。(关闭翻译英语中文德语检测语言 中文(简体)英语日语 翻译文字或网页 在应用程序中调用内核函数获取父进程的全路径名的最好方法。在辨识由谁启动的时候要用。 请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Zài yìngyòng chéngxù zhōng tiáo yòng nèihé hánshù huòqǔ fù jìnchéng de quán lùjìng míng de zuì hǎo fāngfǎ. Zài biànshì yóu shuí qǐdòng de shíhou yào yòng.The best way to call the kernel function to get the full path name of the parent process in the application. In recognition of who started the time to use.)
    2013-11-26 11:04:11下载
  • sadf
    VC++与MATLAB的混合编程 :This paper is origined from the API(Application Programme Interface)between Matlab6p5 and Visual C++6.0.and has mainly discussed on the idea about how to make a mixed programme with language C++ and Madab,what’s inore,has illustrated the scheme and difficulties to enhance the speed and efficien— cy of the simulation software and code executing.Consequently,it provides the students and engineers with an effective reference. (:This paper is origined from the API(Application Programme Interface)between Matlab6p5 and Visual C++6.0.and has mainly discussed on the idea about how to make a mixed programme with language C++ and Madab,what’s inore,has illustrated the scheme and difficulties to enhance the speed and efficien— cy of the simulation software and code executing.Consequently,it provides the students and engineers with an effective reference. )
    2010-12-25 16:57:26下载
  • matlabaavc
    MATLAB与VC_混合编程实现一维小波多尺度分解_汉泽西.pdf用于电网故障检测(VC_ MATLAB mixed programming with one-dimensional wavelet multiscale decomposition _ Hanze Xi. Pdf for grid fault detection)
    2013-09-04 20:29:39下载
  • date
    根据用户输入的年月日计算出第几天的控制台应用(To calculate the day of the console application based on user input date)
    2015-04-06 12:37:24下载
  • vbandmatlab
    使用MATLAB中的COM生成器(comtool),将M文件生成DLL,于VB中引用.从MATLAB6.5开始,MATLAB提供了COM生成器,使用该生成器,可以将MATLAB函数和自定义的函数打包成组件,然后集成到支持该技术的应用程序中去.使用该技术,可以很大程度上脱离MATLAB环境. (The use of MATLAB)
    2007-10-20 16:00:53下载
  • MF-FEM1
    一个小巧有限元计算软件fem的licence和一个例子(A compact fem finite element software and an example of licence)
    2014-02-12 08:57:20下载
  • Phased-array-radar
    关于相控阵雷达的经典书籍,对学习雷达相当有帮助(On the phased array radar on the classic books, for learning radar quite helpful)
    2011-12-15 19:24:07下载
  • MatlabandVC
    该代码提供了MATLAB与VISUAL C++的接口编程,为MATLAB可视化编程提供了方便(The code provides a MATLAB with VISUAL C++ Interface programming, visual programming for MATLAB provides a convenient)
    2007-08-13 11:12:07下载
  • RamFunction
    一个ram例子,可以参考一下,希望能帮到你,请用winrar解压缩打开。(A ram example, you can refer to, I hope you can help, please use winrar to decompress opened.)
    2013-11-13 13:44:13下载
  • 0605mat_rw_matfile
    matlab生成的mat文件导入到vc++里面,方便matlab和vc联合编程,程序为最基础底层编程,已经过测试(matlab generated mat file into vc++ inside, easy matlab and vc joint programming, the program is the most basic underlying programming, has been tested)
    2021-03-04 16:09:32下载
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