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于 2010-07-14 发布 文件大小:103KB
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  matlab code for finite element method



0 个回复

  • pca_procedur
    说明:  一个对统计数据做主成分分析的小程序,在Matlab环境下可以对需要统计的数据快速得到其个主成分分量。(An analysis of statistical data elements applet call the shots in the Matlab environment for statistical data on the need to quickly get the two principal components.)
    2011-03-05 17:08:08下载
  • ruanjianwuxiandian
    讲述信道化接收机模型及正交处理,内容比较全面,有仿真结果(About the channel receiver model and the orthogonal processing, content more comprehensive, with simulation results)
    2011-01-12 23:14:33下载
  • recket
    for rocket engine calculation.(rocket calculation.)
    2011-04-26 20:02:00下载
  • totalaf
    It is a simple matlab code for array factor.
    2011-05-15 09:19:06下载
  • For-approximate-root
    用递推式法求解;用二分法,牛顿迭代法,迭代法求解方程的近似根(Using recursive method for solving with the dichotomy, Newton iteration method, iteration method for solving the approximate root)
    2012-05-28 11:48:55下载
  • Parallel-and-Serial
    并行和串行级联码已成为一种实用的方法,取得了良好的性能。在此论文中,我们将介绍并行和串行级联单奇偶校验乘积码。我们对这种码的码重分布进行了分析,其性能是有界的。仿真的结果确定了在高信噪比情况下的性能界限。这种码(与一些变种)的性能证明对于降低译码复杂性和适当的短码长具有相当良好的效果。(Parallel and serial concatenated code has become a practical way to obtain good performance. In this paper, we will introduce the parallel and serial concatenated single parity check product codes. We re-distribution of this code code analysis, and its performance is bounded. The results of the simulation to determine the performance limits in the case of a high signal-to-noise ratio. Proof of performance of this code (with some variants) having a fairly good effect for reducing the decoding complexity and the appropriate short code length.)
    2020-12-06 16:39:21下载
  • solvement
    基于matlab环境下,利用矩阵位移法计算连续梁弯矩图程序设计(Based on the matlab environment, calculated using the matrix displacement method continuous beam bending moment diagram programming)
    2013-12-16 21:38:01下载
  • Einstein
    计算Einstein场方程的mathematica程序包。输入变量和度规。自动计算里奇张量和曲率张量。( calculate Ricci Tensor and the Curvature Scalar)
    2010-05-05 13:17:07下载
  • matlabhunhebiancheng
    Matlab是一个很好的大型数值计算软件。解释型的程序执行、即时的调试窗口、高效的矩阵运算、丰富的工具箱,使它成为了数值计算和科研工作的必备软件。虽然Matlab具有众多的优势,可是它的程序却很难完全摆脱Matlab环境运行,在界面功能上也效率低下,这些缺点我们在使用Matlab的同时,不免担忧自己的成果不能方便地对外发布。对Matlab的运行方式进行了分析,之后提出了Matlab和VC高级语言之间混合编程的方法,以及Matlab程序独立打包和如何提高Matlab程序的界面运行效率的方法。 更多还原 (Matlab is a nice large numerical software. Explain the type of program execution, real-time debug window and efficient matrix operations, rich toolbox, making it the numerical calculations and research work necessary software. Although Matlab has many advantages, but it is difficult to completely get rid of the program running Matlab environment, the interface functions inefficient, these shortcomings in the use of Matlab while we can not help but worry about their results can not easily be released. For Matlab operation mode are analyzed, and then propose a hybrid programming approach between Matlab and VC-level language, and Matlab program independent packaged and how to improve the operational efficiency of the Matlab interface procedures. More Restore)
    2013-12-14 16:07:36下载
  • jidianmoshichuzhidejisuanfangfa
    机电模式初值的计算方法(Electrical model of the calculation of initial value)
    2008-05-18 13:40:36下载
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