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于 2011-09-19 发布 文件大小:372KB
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  这是brew平台,测试手机耗电量和电池格数的程序,有很强的参考价值(This is a brew platform, test power consumption and battery cell phone number of the program, there is a strong reference value)





0 个回复

  • Sy7
    编程实现一个静态切分为左右两个窗口的 MDI 应用程序,并在左视图中统计右视图中 绘制圆的个数,实现文件的保存和读取;左右视图属于不同的视图类(Programming a static cut into about two MDI application window and draw a circle in the right view statistics of the number in the left view, save and read files to achieve views are different views about the class)
    2013-12-31 21:36:25下载
  • lab
    DDA、Bresenham画直线及画圆、多边形; 边缘填充算法和种子填充算法。(DDA, Bresenham drawing a straight line and circular, polygonal edge of the filling algorithm and seed fill algorithm.)
    2020-06-30 08:20:02下载
  • Texture-Mipmap
    基于OpenSceneGraph手动构建Miapmap,实现纹理自动Miapmap加载,可以调节纹理的精细级别~(Based on OpenSceneGraph manually build Miapmap, to achieve automatic Miapmap texture loading, you can adjust the level of the fine texture ~)
    2013-12-19 23:04:54下载
  • MFC_Dialog
    Kinect + OpenCV + Visual C++
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  • SUN
    基于NIOS II的LED屏贪食蛇设计,基于NiosII软核处理器和LED点阵显示屏的贪吃蛇游戏内容是:一条蛇在封闭的围墙里,围墙里随机出现一个食物。玩家通过4个按键控制蛇上下左右移动,且蛇只能沿着头运动的轨迹移动。蛇头撞到食物,则食物被吃掉,蛇身体增长一节,同时记1分,又出现食物,等待蛇通过玩家的控制来吃掉,如果蛇头在移动中出界或咬到自己的身体则游戏结束,并且加入了一些附加功能如蛇身加速,选择难度,开关机屏幕画面的优化等一系列功能,使游戏更具可玩性。(NIOS II LED screen Snake design, NiosII based soft-core processor and LED dot matrix display Snake game content is: a snake in a closed fence, the fence was a random food. Players control a snake through 4 keys to move around, and the head of the snake can move along the track movement. Snakeheads hit the food, the food is eaten, the snake grow body section, but remember one point, appeared foods, through the player controls a snake waiting to eat, if snakeheads bite out of bounds or move their bodies in the game end, and added some additional features such as snake acceleration, choose the difficulty to optimize switching machine screen and a series of features that make the game more playable.)
    2014-01-09 23:04:57下载
  • 24dian
    24点游戏应该是大多数人熟悉的游戏了,这个源代码就是实现24点游戏的。(24 points, the game should be familiar with the game most people, this source code is to achieve 24-point game.)
    2008-12-16 21:21:57下载
  • pm-compuprint-sp40
    P2R打印机串口指令集编程手册,Olivetti/IBM/Epson(P2R printer serial instruction set programming manual, Olivetti/IBM/Epson)
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  • BlueTooth4.0
    这是蓝牙4.0的规范说明文档,对于了解4.0协议有所帮助。(This is the Bluetooth 4.0 specification document helpful for understanding the 4.0 protocol.)
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