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于 2021-05-07 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  基于RS485的简单现场总线通信系统设计,功能如下:单发单收,在发送状态,能够连续发送从0到99的数字; 单发单收,在接收状态,能够接收数据,并在数码管上正确地显示出来; 单发多收,在AB完成的基础上,接上多个接收设备,能够正确发送和接收; (Based on a simple RS485 field bus communication system design, the following functions: single single collection, sending state, can be continuously transmitted from 0 to 99 single single collection, in the receiving state, capable of receiving data and digital tube correctly displayed single overcharged, on the basis of completion of the AB, connected to multiple receivers, can correctly send and receive )



0 个回复

  • lab7-AD-(TIMIER)
    利用28335的cpu-timer0的中断功能进行AD采集,并有AD校核程序(Use cpu-timer0 interrupt functions of 28335 AD acquisition, and checking procedures AD)
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  • stc15-MMA7361L
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  • cap2modelandodcmotor
    Full document very cool snd nice
    2015-03-18 07:34:17下载
    实现单片机与LABVIEW的串口通信。单片机部分的上载程序,只需用LABVIEW构建一个简单的输入与输出指令界面(LABVIEW MCU and serial communication. Single-chip part of the upload process, just use LABVIEW build a simple command interface, input and output)
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  • SimIic
    IIc应用,AT24C512初始化,清零,存储,读取多字节存入 写入多字节(IIc applications, initialization, clear, store, read, write more bytes into a multi-byte)
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  • DALI-Unit
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  • SensorLine
    利用 USB2I2C开发板和软件实现了对CMOS图像传感器的在线调试。该系统运行稳定,体积小,外围电路简单,可灵活应用于多种CMOS图像传感器在线调试的场合以进行图像质量调整。本系统在调试过程中能生成调试log文件和寄存器配置文件。调试log文件记录调试过程中寄存器更改过程,可方便追踪、查看调试过程;寄存器配置文件保存最终调试结果,方便用户进一步的应用。(Use USB2I2C development board and software realization of the CMOS image sensor circuit debugging. The system is stable, small, simple external circuit can be flexibly applied to a variety of CMOS image sensors in-circuit debugger occasion for image quality adjustment. The system can generate in the debugging process debugging log file and registers the configuration file. Debug log file records the process of debugging registers the change process, can be easily tracked, view the debugging process register configuration file to save the final result debugging, user-friendly application further.)
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  • chengxu
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