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于 2013-02-13 发布 文件大小:4KB
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说明:  Fuzzy C-means algorithm for clustering a data set



0 个回复

  • gingsun
    各种kalman滤波器的设计,小波包分析提取振动信号中的特征频率,最大信噪比的独立分量分析算法。( Various kalman filter design, Wavelet packet analysis to extract vibration signal characteristic frequency, SNR largest independent component analysis algorithm.)
    2016-05-12 13:56:38下载
  • fangken
    一个师兄的毕设,自己编的5种调制信号,微分方程组数值解方法。( A complete set of brothers, Own five modulation signal, Numerical solution of differential equations method.)
    2016-12-14 22:42:51下载
  • 新颖群智能算法合集
    说明:  新颖群算法(烟花,灰狼,鲸鱼,布谷鸟......)的合集,包括论文及代码,(A collection of novel group algorithms, including papers and codes)
    2020-04-19 14:13:27下载
  • zhiwenshibie
    指纹识别的matlab源码下载,非常实用的,希望大家喜欢(zhi wen shi bie yuan cheng xu)
    2010-11-14 21:08:12下载
  • PV
    说明:  不同温度及光照强度下的光伏电池外特性,V-I曲线P-V曲线(External characteristics of photovoltaic cells under different temperature and light intensity, the VI curve of PV curve)
    2012-05-06 17:49:08下载
  • CH4-Numerical-Optimization-ESC
    国外著名控制专著《extremum seeking control and application》第四章案例matlab源码(matab code for examples of ch4 in a well-known book《extremum seeking control and application》)
    2013-09-15 15:02:09下载
  • facerecognization
    使用matlab进行仿真,还有pca降维,kl变换方法进行人脸识别的参考论文(Using MATLAB simulation, and the PCA dimension reduction, the KL transform method for face recognition reference papers)
    2013-12-10 16:36:57下载
  • Finite_time_Sim
    群集行为是多智能体系统研究中的一个重要问题,其主要任务是给出多个智能体基于局部信息实现群集行为的条件,本文针对信息交换拓扑保持连通性的群集行为展开研究,主要内容如下(Swarming behavior is an important problem in the research of multi-agent system, its main task is to give a local agent information to realize the swarm behavior based on the condition, according to the topology preserving connectivity of the cluster behavior information exchange, the main contents are as follows)
    2017-08-09 15:32:20下载
  • gpml-matlab-v1.3-2006-09-08
    说明:  高斯过程(GP)模型中推理和预测的实现。它实现了在《Rasmussen & Williams:机器学习的高斯过程》(麻省理工学院出版社,2006)和《Nickisch & Rasmussen:二进制高斯过程分类的近似》(JMLR, 2008)中讨论的算法。该函数的优点在于灵活性、简单性和可扩展性。该函数具有一定的灵活性,首先通过定义均值函数和协方差函数来确定遗传算法的性质。其次,它允许指定不同的推理过程,如精确推理和期望传播(EP)。第三,它允许指定似然函数,如高斯函数或拉普拉斯函数(用于回归)和累积逻辑函数(用于分类)。简单性是通过一个简单的函数和紧凑的代码实现的。可扩展性是通过模块化设计来保证的,允许为已经相当广泛的推理方法、均值函数、协方差函数和似然函数库轻松添加扩展。(Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning , the MIT press, 2006 and Nickisch & Rasmussen: Approximations for Binary Gaussian Process Classification , JMLR, 2008. The strength of the function lies in its flexibility, simplicity and extensibility. The function is flexible as firstly it allows specification of the properties of the GP through definition of mean function and covariance functions. Secondly, it allows specification of different inference procedures, such as e.g. exact inference and Expectation Propagation (EP). Thirdly it allows specification of likelihood functions e.g. Gaussian or Laplace (for regression) and e.g. cumulative Logistic (for classification). Simplicity is achieved through a single function and compact code.)
    2020-02-26 20:39:48下载
  • 因子分析
    说明:  matlab入门教程之因子分析,适合初学者上手(Matlab introductory course of factor analysis, suitable for beginners)
    2021-01-12 21:48:14下载
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