首页 » Delphi » Delphimusicplayer


于 2013-08-04 发布 文件大小:65KB
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  一个多功能播放器源代码,简单而实用,主要用于学习。(Versatile player source code)



0 个回复

  • ffmpeg
    命令行下可直接运行可将WAV转成MP3等格式 ffmpeg -i a.wav a.mp3 (命令行下可直接运行可将WAV转成MP3等格式 ffmpeg-i a.wav a.mp3 )
    2015-09-05 11:15:50下载
  • VCSeriesV2.2.2SDK
    天敏系列监控卡SDK,视频采集,数据压缩保存成BMP/JPG/AVI等文件格式(Mortimer Series SDK control cards, video capture, data compression preservation into BMP/JPG/AVI file format)
    2006-07-05 10:49:03下载
  • Mediaplayer
    MFC实现的播放器,可以实现简单的播放、暂停、停止等功能,有播放列表。(MFC implementation player, you can achieve a simple play, pause, stop and other functions, and playlists.)
    2020-12-05 08:49:23下载
  • CPPmusicplayer
    一款简单的VC++6.0编程MP3音乐播放器,附带源码已经工程文件。(A simple VC++6.0 programming an MP3 music player, already works with source files.)
    2014-01-05 14:23:43下载
  • sc_serv_1.9.8_FreeBSD5.tar
    Audio for MI systems specifies data formats for the exchange of the digital sound track associated with video in compressed and non-compressed formats. For audio systems associated with video imagery applications, the audio subsections of the Motion Imagery Standards Profile (MISP) apply. Application areas for MPEG-2 include: - Internet - DVD - Satellite video - airborne video - surveillance - reconnaissance - intelligence - targeting - Scientific and Industrial - Digital Cinema - Image archives and databases There are a number of standards competing with MPEG-2, but MPEG-2 is by far the most widely used. ( Audio for MI systems specifies data formats for the exchange of the digital sound track associated with video in compressed and non-compressed formats. For audio systems associated with video imagery applications, the audio subsections of the Motion Imagery Standards Profile (MISP) apply. Application areas for MPEG-2 include:- Internet- DVD- Satellite video- airborne video- surveillance- reconnaissance- intelligence- targeting- Scientific and Industrial- Digital Cinema- Image archives and databases There are a number of standards competing with MPEG-2, but MPEG-2 is by far the most widely used. )
    2009-12-17 11:17:28下载
  • dmt2
    多媒体技术成品,浪漫满屋风格的页面显得十分的窝心,背景和音乐很协调!(Multi-media technology products, Full House-style pages of the heart it is, the background and music is very coordinated!)
    2009-06-22 19:00:43下载
  • jpeg25
    vc++平台下的jpeg解码程序,简单易懂。(decode jpeg on vc++ platform,easy to understand)
    2012-02-02 17:27:45下载
  • bofangqi
    播放器非常不错的播放器代码,有兴趣的可以学习学习,非常不错..(Very good player, player code, are interested can learn, very good ..)
    2014-10-20 16:25:03下载
  • Videoplayer
    使用VC控件Videoplayer制作的简单的视频播放器!(Control the use of VC produced Videoplayer simple video player!)
    2009-04-17 10:21:08下载
  • 20040812100734_roform
    仿REALONE窗体制作的播放器,后面会陆续制作其他窗体的播放器(imitation REALONE Form produced by the players, would be produced behind other windows player)
    2006-12-29 10:52:13下载
  • 696524资源总数
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