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于 2013-02-23 发布 文件大小:20KB
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  This is the file for permanent magnet synchronous generator for sliding mode operation.





0 个回复

  • fan
    球赛门票的售票处规定每位购票者限购一张门票,且每张门票售价 50元。购票者中有 m位手持50元钱币,另有n人手持100元。假设售票处开始售票时无零钱。问这m+n人有 几种排队方式可使售票处不致出现找不出钱的局面。(The box office ticket sales are limited to the provisions of each ticket purchase a ticket, and the price of 50 yuan per ticket. Ticket-holders have m-bit hand-held 50 coins, and another n armed with 100 yuan. Suppose no small change when the ticket office began selling tickets. M+ n asking a few people queuing up outside ticket office can not find the money to avoid a situation.)
    2009-12-18 01:28:10下载
  • derivatives
    金融工程嗯, 从matlab论坛上下载的,我觉得很有用,所以传上来分享(Financial Engineering derivatives from famous University and is really useful in derivatives. I love it very much and I think is really helpful to your guys)
    2012-06-01 15:16:27下载
  • yucebianma
    对一幅图象进行无损一阶预测编码,采用前值预测(Non-destructive image of a first-order predictive coding, using the former value of the forecast)
    2009-05-02 20:01:35下载
  • model10b
    数学建模清华数模讲义\model10b (Mathematical modeling Qinghua digital-analog handouts model10b)
    2010-01-13 23:25:57下载
  • st
    说明:  一个短时傅立叶变换的MATLAB程序,可以进行信号的时频分析。(A short-time Fourier transform of the MATLAB program, can be time-frequency analysis.)
    2010-02-22 18:18:56下载
  • Example6_11
    说明:  用MATLAB对一语音信号进行小波分解,分别用强阈值,软阈值,默认阈植进行消噪处理。(MATLAB to a voice signal wavelet decomposition, respectively intensity threshold, soft threshold, the default threshold for planting Denoising.)
    2006-04-13 01:03:22下载
  • Ex-05
    MATLAB小程序:关于MATLAB中整数浮点数\复数的运算(small MATLAB : MATLAB on integer float complex arithmetic)
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    matlab小波工具箱,详细介绍了各种函数的使用方法(matlab wavelet tool kit.detail description of the wavelet using method.)
    2014-09-03 15:35:24下载
  • Technical-indicators-by-Matlab
    用matlab编写了20几个常见的技术指标,方便大家开发策略时候,直接调用。 1)编写这些函数不是技术活,完全是体力活 2)之所以编写这些函数,一来是自己研究所需,二来自己编写过程中能够感悟到蕴含在公式中的思想 3)几乎所有函数,我都用数据测试过,并和交易开拓者、同花顺等计算的值进行了比对,最大程度 上保证指标算法的准确性。虽然已近极力避免错误,但是还是可能出现一些这样那样的错误,所以 请批判性使用这些函数 4)如果对这些函数有疑问(比如有些指标可能会有不同的处理方法),请参见函数中的参考文献部分 5)如果您的策略用到了这些函数,请一定研究这些函数的编写过程,避免未来函数、偷价漏价对你造成的干扰。(20 using matlab few common technical indicators, to facilitate the development of strategies when called directly. 1) preparation of these functions are not technology live, is completely manual labor 2 thoughts) reason to write these functions, one is required for their own research, and secondly to be able to comprehend the process of writing their own inherent in the formula 3) Almost all of the functions that I have tested with the data, and the Trail Blazers and trading, such as flush with the calculated values were compared right, the greatest degree of     On indicators to ensure the accuracy of the algorithm. Although almost try to avoid mistakes, but still may be some kind or another error,     Please use these critical functions 4) If you have questions about these functions (for example, some indicators may have different processing methods), see the References section function 5) If your policy to use these functions, be sure to study the process of)
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