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于 2014-09-29 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  This functions models the pression profile with height



0 个回复

  • homework5b
    this code is for learning
    2010-11-25 10:44:22下载
  • Getproject_gsvd_mar
    LDA/GSVD算法matlab代码,可用来实现基于广义奇异值分解的线性鉴别分析方法(LDA/GSVD algorithm Matlab code, can be used to achieve based on the generalized singular value decomposition of linear discriminant analysis method)
    2007-05-24 11:09:59下载
  • china-regest-interface
    中登接口字段解析,字段间距,截取,查找定位等等(china regist devest)
    2014-09-02 19:15:28下载
  • gaot
    传统遗传算法、改进遗传算法、在神经网络建模中应用(Traditional genetic algorithm, improved genetic algorithms, neural network modeling applications)
    2014-02-19 15:19:08下载
  • anfisprogramme
    说明:  讲述了ANFIS构建的Matlab程序,具有一定的实用性和理论意义。(Tells Matlab built ANFIS procedure has certain practical and theoretical significance.)
    2010-04-12 07:05:39下载
  • plusrilinoise
    说明:  基于小波包的带通滤波器设计程序。给出了小波变换的快速算法和重构算法,讨论了应用小波变换进行信号带通滤波的方法,并通过正交小波包对信号的分解,把频率成分复杂的信号分解到各个频带上,根据需要提取指定频率的信号,然后用小波包重构算法对信号进行重构,实现对信号的提取。(Based on wavelet packet band-pass filter design program. Given the fast algorithm of wavelet transform and reconstruction algorithms are discussed using wavelet transform signal band-pass filtering method, and through the wavelet packet to signals can be decomposed, 把 frequency components of complex signal is decomposed into various frequency bands 上, according to need to extract the specified frequency signal, and then reconstructs the signal reconstruction algorithm to achieve the extraction of the signal.)
    2010-04-15 16:26:30下载
  • GUI_35
    matlab gui设计例程,很全面,希望能对你有所帮助(matlab gui design routines, it is full, I hope you can help)
    2010-05-07 21:25:08下载
  • PAM-modulation-and-demodulation
    用matlab 的simulink 仿真PAM调制与解调模块。(using the simulink of the matlab simulinking the modulation and demoduation system of the PAM)
    2013-04-18 16:20:39下载
  • program
    program related to optmization technique
    2011-02-06 19:09:20下载
  • 4
    说明:  5、绘制散点图。 对发射和接收信号利用scatterplot函数可显示信号星座图的样子及噪声对信号造成的失真程度。在该图中,横轴代表了信号的同相分量而纵轴代表了正交分量。下面的代码还利用了 对接收信号利用modem.deqammod对象的demodulate方法进行解调。解调结果为包含0到15之间整数的列向量。 (5, draw a scatter plot. The transmitted and received signals can be displayed using a function of the degree of distortion scatterplot like and noise signals caused by the signal constellation of FIG. In this figure, the horizontal axis represents the in-phase component signal and the vertical axis represents the quadrature component. The following code is also used to demodulate the received signal using the method of demodulating modem.deqammod object. Demodulation result is an integer from 0 to 15 comprising a column vector.)
    2014-09-21 08:33:48下载
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