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于 2013-03-04 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  基于matlab的简单间接导线平差计算代码。(Calculated based on simple indirect Traverse matlab code.)



0 个回复

  • isa2_0.3.0
    clustering algoirthm
    2011-05-05 00:54:21下载
  • ns3-yanci-master
    关于物理层网络编码编码和模拟网络编码ANC的matlab仿真代码。里面有四个程序,希望对大家有用(Matlab simulation code on the physical layer network coding and network coding ANC simulation. There are four procedures, we hope to be useful)
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  • MATLABshixian_10499038
    数字信号处理,用matlab来实现对信号的处理,这本书 是基础,手把手的教你(Digital signal processing, using matlab to achieve signal processing, this book is the basis, teach you hands-on)
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  • mohukongzhi
    模糊控制累的 ,主要用simulink实现,采用simulink搭建和实现模糊控制(Fuzzy Control tired, mainly using simulink simulink structures and fuzzy control)
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    说明:  Adaboost是一种迭代算法,其核心思想是针对同一个训练集训练不同的分类器(弱分类器),然后把这些弱分类器集合起来,构成一个更强的最终分类器(强分类器)。(AdaBoost is an iterative algorithm. The core idea of AdaBoost is to train different classifiers (weak classifiers) for the same training set, and then combine these weak classifiers to form a stronger final classifier (strong classifier).)
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  • matlabweb
    关于matlab web,介绍如何远程调用matlab的功能(On the matlab web, describes how the function of long-distance calling matlab)
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  • Image-Compression
    图像压缩算法的各种算法,用VC++实现,直接可以编译运行(Image compression algorithms algorithms, using VC++ implementation can be compiled to run directly)
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  • PrinciplesofCommunicationSystemsSimulationwithWire
    <通信系统仿真原理与无线应用>中文版电子书,超星格式的,全书采用matlab仿真,很经典的教材。(<Communication System Simulation Principle and wireless applications> Chinese version of e-books, Chaoxing format, the book using matlab simulation, it is classic material.)
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  • matlab
    编写M文件,创建如下图形窗口,分别绘制如下图所示的曲线。 (1)曲线y=sin(t)sin(9t),要求采用红色,点线。横坐标取值范围[0~ ],标注x轴、y轴并加标题。 (2)一组余弦曲线,其振幅分别为0.4,0.6和0.8。横坐标取值范围[0~2 ]。添加图例与标题。进入图形编辑状态,调整图例的位置。 (3)分别绘制peaks函数的曲面图和网格线图。对曲面图做平滑处理,并添加标题与colorbar。 (Write M file, create the following graphics window, curves were plotted as shown below. (A) the curve y = sin (t) sin (9t), require the use of a red dotted line. The abscissa in the range [0 ~  ], labeled x-axis, y-axis and a title. (2) a set of a cosine curve, and the amplitude was 0.4, 0.6, 0.8. Abscissa value range [0 ~ 2  ]. Add a legend and title. Into the graphical editing mode, adjust the position of the legend. (3) were drawn surface chart peaks function and grid line graph. Surface charts do for smoothing and add titles and colorbar.)
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