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  《MATLAB神经网络30个案例分析》中的第11个例子,案例11 连续Hopfield神经网络的优化-旅行商问题优化计算。希望对大家有一定的帮助!(The MATLAB neural network analysis of 30 cases of 11 examples, case 11 continuous Hopfield neural network optimization- traveling salesman problem optimization calculation. Hope to have certain help to everybody! )



0 个回复

  • SonnetAntennaDesign
    利用matlab控制3维仿真软件sonnet的工具箱,里面包含了详细的试用说明PDF,还有一个微带天线的例子,使得对天线的设计变得简单。(Using matlab to control 3-D simulation software sonnet Toolbox, which contains a detailed description of the trial PDF, there is a microstrip antenna example, makes the simple antenna design.)
    2007-12-23 12:30:39下载
  • fast_mpc-0.0.1
    mpc算法是一种预测优化算法,在线优化,计算速度快(mpc algorithm is a forecasting optimization, online optimization, fast calculation)
    2021-03-21 14:49:17下载
  • NG
    说明:  一个图形界面,可以输入不同类别的信号进行仿真(PLOT )
    2010-03-26 21:33:57下载
  • all_medfilt2
    使用matlab做的2维灰度图像的中值滤波器。(median filter using matlab)
    2011-04-23 22:42:20下载
  • luv2rgb
    LAB2RGB Convert an image from CIELAB to RGB function [R, G, B] = Lab2RGB(L, a, b) function [R, G, B] = Lab2RGB(I) function I = Lab2RGB(...)
    2010-05-14 08:26:09下载
  • yuanma3
    阵列信号处理中: 仿真圆形阵列天线的用法,对比了传统方法和MUSIC方法的性能(Array Signal Processing: Simulation of circular array antenna usage, compared to the traditional methods and the performance of MUSIC method)
    2007-12-01 17:32:55下载
  • smartantennasforwirelesscommunication
    this is a book for antenna
    2010-11-01 13:35:17下载
  • Cell_search
    具有动态链接库的小区搜索程序。这个程序的dll文件属于平台机密啊。(Dynamic link library cell search procedure. Dll file of this program is platform confidential ah.)
    2010-10-03 14:40:56下载
  • sar-rd1
    合成孔径雷达sar成像源代码 距离多普勒算法(Sar synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithm source code from the Doppler)
    2011-11-13 14:06:53下载
  • ATK-Framworker
    Achievo ATK 是一个以提升开发速度为其核心目标的业务框架。该框架的所有部分都以减少应用程序代码为目标。它没有提供大量工具类以实现广泛的功能,而是提供了一个通用 框架来减少代码。所有新增特性都经过慎重考虑 — 只有它们在某些地方能够降低开发时间才添加。 Achievo ATK 新特性的添加在某种程度上来说是一种演进式开发。没有专门负责开发新特性的团队;而是基于使用该框架的应用程序的要求来对其进行扩展。 (Achievo ATK is an upgrade to speed the development of the core objectives of the operational framework. The framework All parts are to reduce application code as a target. It did not provide a large number of tools to achieve the broad category of the function, but to provide a general framework to reduce code. All these new properties are the result of careful consideration- they are only in certain areas to reduce the development time to add. Achievo ATK new properties added to a certain extent, this is an evolutionary development. Not specifically responsible for the development of new properties team; It is based on the use of the framework of the application's requirements for its expansion.)
    2007-01-12 15:41:02下载
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