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0 个回复

  • matlab_FEM_dismesh
    DistMesh giving a singular FEM matrix?(Hi Anyone here with some experience of using DistMesh in finite element code? I m solving the scalar Helmoltz equation in an annular region in 2D: rho_1 < rho < rho_2 where rho_1 is the radius of a Perfect Electric Conducting cylinder and rho_2 is where the mesh is truncated using an Absorbing Boundary condition. Now, I ve written code to mesh the region myself (by dividing the region into annular rings and picking a fixed number of points on each ring) and I ve written another program which uses DistMesh to mesh the region. I get a nice solution using my own meshing code but the FEM matrix becomes singular when I use DistMesh. This is the DistMesh Code I used: Circle with hole rABC=1.5 rCyl=0.5 fdstring=sprintf( ddiff(dcircle(p,0,0, f),dcircle(p,0,0, f)) ,rABC,rCyl) fd=inline(fdstring, p ) box=[-2,-2 2,2] [p,N]=distmesh2d(fd,@huniform,0.04,box,[]) I tried changing box and the 0.04 value (initial edge length). But every time, the matrix becomes sin)
    2010-06-05 09:17:55下载
  • FT
    说明:  基于傅里叶变换的去除图像纹理方法。通过去除频域高亮区域来消除纹理,保留低频信息。(Based on Fourier Transform method to remove the image texture. Highlighted region by removing the frequency domain to eliminate the texture, retain low frequency information.)
    2010-04-19 15:57:13下载
  • attachments(1)
    matlab programs for the lab experiments
    2012-04-08 18:17:28下载
  • rtw2
    基于simulink/RTW的闭环控制系统平台设计(Based on simulink/RTW of the closed-loop control system design of the platform)
    2007-09-01 15:32:48下载
  • LSB
    LSB数字水印的算法实现 最简单的数字水印算法(LSB watermark)
    2010-09-13 22:16:45下载
  • guitar
    guitar tunner... useful for generating varius tunes
    2009-04-25 00:55:22下载
  • woundmotor
    双馈异步发电机模型,SIMULINK建模仿真(Doubly-fed induction generator model, SIMULINK modeling and simulation)
    2020-12-21 19:19:08下载
  • extract_ecg_siganl
    对txt文件中的心电信号提取出来并存放在新的txt文件中,并将提取的心电信号画图显示出来,显示区间可供选择,压缩包内不仅有源码,还有详细的实验报告。可供学习探讨。(ecg signal extracted from txt file by matlab)
    2009-10-14 16:54:29下载
  • SIMPLE-suanfa
    Simple迭代算法模型,可作为模块直接用于需要利用simple迭代的计算(Simple iterative algorithm model, or as a module for the need to use a simple iterative calculation)
    2012-04-07 01:48:18下载
  • Gauss
    线性方程组的数值解法的Matlab代码 采用Gauss算法和LU分解(Matlab code of the numerical solution of linear equations using Gauss algorithm and LU factorization)
    2012-05-28 16:51:51下载
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