首页 » matlab » infinite-power-short-circuit


于 2013-09-26 发布 文件大小:24KB
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  MATLAB编写无穷大电源发生三相短路的程序,已通过编译,有仿真结果(Infinite power happens three phase short circuit)



0 个回复

  • input_ML
    说明:  根据降雨数据和流量数据,可在同一张图上绘制倒立的降雨柱状图和对应的流量过程线(According to rainfall data and flow data, inverted rainfall column charts and corresponding flow process lines can be drawn on the same chart.)
    2020-06-18 12:40:01下载
  • chess
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  • Cap02_Shadowing
    无线信道建模一直以来都很复杂,而且不同场景下的模型差异较大,这是一本专门讲解无线信道建模方法的书籍配套的matlab例程(Channel modeling has been very complex, and the model under different scenarios are quite different, which is the one devoted to channel modeling method books matching matlab routines)
    2013-09-13 09:43:26下载
  • SaDE
    差分进化算法的改进算法,用于比较和测试算法的性能。(Bio-inspired intelligent optimization algorithm matlab program)
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  • update1
    搭建永磁同步电机的直接转矩控制仿真模型 1,实测电流经过3/2变换得到alpha-beta轴上的电流; 2,估计模块中包含定子磁链和电磁转矩的估算,其中,定子磁链观测是采用基于转子位置和定子电流的磁链估计,电磁转矩直接在alpha-beta轴上计算; 3,转速调节模块和转矩调节模块直接采用PI调节器; 4,预期电压矢量估计模块,根据k时刻的磁链幅值与相位和k+1时刻的磁链幅值和相位计算出来的; 5,SVMPWM是空间电压矢量调制模块,实现空间任意角度任意大小的电压矢量,从而控制磁链轨迹近似为圆型; 6,逆变器模块和电机模块均采用系统自带的;(Build a permanent magnet synchronous motor direct torque control simulation model, the measured current after 3/2 transform the current alpha-beta axis estimated module included in the estimation of the stator flux and the electromagnetic torque, stator flux chain observation is based on the position of the rotor and the stator current flux estimates, the electromagnetic torque directly in the alpha-beta axis 3 speed controller module and torque adjustment module directly using the PI regulator expected voltage vector estimation module , calculated according to the time k flux amplitude the phase and k+1 time flux amplitude and phase 5, SVMPWM the space voltage vector modulation module voltage vector space at any angle of any size, thereby controlling the flux path approximate round inverter module and motor module system comes )
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