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于 2011-10-14 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  绘制函数的等值线,数值优化书关于约束最优化中实例(Drawing the contours of the function, numerical optimization in the book examples of constrained optimization)



0 个回复

  • GPC11
    本程序用matlab仿真了广义预测控制的显式解法。(This procedure matlab simulation using generalized predictive control method explicit.)
    2007-10-17 13:10:21下载
  • pid_saturate.m
    防积分饱和PID控制算法,MATLAB语言编写,仿真效果不错。(Anti-integral saturation PID control algorithm, MATLAB language, simulation results are good.)
    2009-12-08 10:01:13下载
  • Astar_含界面
    A星算法用于路径规划,并包含一个界面,可以用鼠标确定起点和终点,用MATLAB语言编写,可运行。(A star algorithm is used for path planning, and contains an interface. It can determine the starting point and end point with the mouse. It is written in MATLAB language and can run.)
    2019-04-21 17:04:19下载
  • daima
    产生am信号的MATLAB源码,充分的讲解了关于am信号用matlab产生的各个步骤及详细源码(The generation of the AM signal MATLAB source code, the full explanation of the various steps of the AM signal using matlab generated source code and detailed)
    2014-10-30 14:39:44下载
  • matlab_tool
    matlab的重要工具箱指导书,相关统计专业的同学和行业内的人都可以学习学习.很好的资料.(matlab toolbox important guide books, statistics, professional students and people in the industry can learn him. good information.)
    2014-12-14 22:15:02下载
  • Codage_AMI
    AMI Code (Code,up-sampling,decoding, spectre, Densite Spectral)
    2013-05-13 22:23:40下载
  • tianxianfangzhen
    详细描述了天线的结构与智能天线的仿真实验,欢迎大家下载。(Detailed description of the antenna structure and simulation of smart antenna, are welcome to download.)
    2010-11-24 09:32:47下载
  • LMS
    说明:  LMS自适应滤波器是使滤波器的输出信号与期望响应之间的误差的均方值为最小,因此称为最小均方(LMS)自适应滤波器。(LMS adaptive filter is to minimize the mean square value of the error between the output signal of the filter and the expected response, so it is called LMS adaptive filter.)
    2020-05-18 17:07:40下载
  • LabVIEWandmatlab
    基于labview和matlab的工件数字识别(Based on the LabVIEW and MATLAB workpiece digital recognition)
    2012-05-16 10:39:21下载
  • OFDM
    首先根据短训练字的特性进行相关运算,进行信号到达检测,当检测到相关值大于门限一定次数后,认为有信号到达。然后根据长训练字的特性,进行相关运算,进行OFDM符号FFT窗口起始位置的估计。估计出FFT窗口的位置后,先在时域进行小频偏的估计,将两个长训练字进行小频偏补偿后,进行FFT运算,根据FFT运算的结果进行整数倍频偏的估计。这些参数估计完成后,就可以进行数据解调了。先对数据部分进行完整的频偏补偿,然后根据估计的FFT窗口位置进行FFT运算得到频域的数据,进行解调。然后在对应于导频的子载波位置上提取出导频信息,根据导频信息估计出剩余定时误差以及剩余的信道响应误差,将误差量送入环路进行跟踪。当收到所有数据后,重新回到信号到达检测状态,进行下一次信号到达的检测和信号接收。(First, according to the characteristics of the short training word correlation operation, the signal reaching the detector, when the detected correlation value is greater than the threshold after a certain number of times that a signal arrives. And then the characteristics of long training word, the correlation operation for the FFT window starting position of an OFDM symbol estimate. The estimated position of the FFT window, the first small frequency offset in the time domain estimation, the two long training word small frequency offset compensation, the FFT operation, the FFT result of the operation for integer frequency offset estimate. These parameter estimation is completed, the data can be demodulated on. The first portion of the data for a complete frequency offset compensation, and based on the estimated FFT window position of the FFT operation to obtain frequency domain data, demodulated. Then corresponding to the position of the pilot subcarriers are extracted on pilot inform)
    2020-11-04 23:49:52下载
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