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于 2014-10-20 发布 文件大小:193KB
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  In this paper, a dq model based on transformation theory for five-phase induction machines is presented. A detailed implementation of an indirect-type five-phase field-orientation control including the hysteresis-type pulsewidth modulation (PWM) current regulator is described. A method for continuous and disturbance-free operation of a five-phase field-orientedcontrolled induction motor drive with complete loss of one, two, or even three legs of the inverter or motor phases is described. A complete analysis and computer simulation of this control technique is included.



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  • adaboost
    matable下编的一个算法!线性阈值分类器运用AdaBoost算法!(An Algorithm for under matable! The use of linear threshold classifier AdaBoost algorithm!)
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    用matlab语言编写的基于连续小波变换分析光栅信号的案例(using Matlab language based on the continuous wavelet transform grating signal case)
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  • chapter-three
    说明:  精通matlab C++混合编程,希望对大家有用(Proficient in matlab c++ mixed programming)
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  • final
    thnx for ur concern which helps me out simulink problems
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