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于 2013-10-05 发布 文件大小:641KB
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  软件是一款基于Microsoft Visual Basic 软件开发的物理化学实验数据处理软件,共分为八个实验,分别是”恒温槽的装配与性能测试”,“液体的饱和蒸汽压测定”,“双液系气液相平衡图的绘制”,“蔗糖转化反应速率常数的测定”,“电动势测定及应用”,“乙酸乙酯皂化反应动力学”,“最大气泡法测定液体表面张力”,“吊环法测定液体表面张力”。(Software is a Microsoft Visual Basic software development based on the physical and chemical experimental data processing software, is divided into eight experiments are " bath assembly and performance testing" , " liquid saturated vapor pressure measurement" , " two-fluid system phase equilibrium diagram drawing " ," invertase reaction rate constants measured, " " Determination and application of force " ," ethyl acetate saponification reaction kinetics " ," Determination of the maximum bubble liquid surface tension, " " Determination of the rings liquid surface tension. " )






0 个回复

  • IR-decoding-digital-display
    IR decoding digital display
    2013-10-06 00:06:17下载
  • xuguan
    多传感器目标跟踪 匀速四航迹独立序贯航迹关联(data fusion target tracking)
    2010-08-23 15:23:51下载
    利用单片机IO口模拟UART程序,系统用了一个定时器和一个外部中断,外部中断主要是用来检测串口起始位的到来。(IO mouth simulation UART program, microcontroller system with a timer and an external interrupt, external interrupt is mainly used to detect the arrival of the start bit serial port.)
    2016-12-30 08:38:34下载
  • uc_51_small
    OS_II移植到单片机,网上都是大模式移植,这是我在网站上找到的小模式移植,不知道有用吗?(OS_II transplanted into single-chip, on-line model of graft are large, this is my website found in the small model of transplantation, I do not know useful?)
    2009-07-09 02:40:53下载
  • PT22726
    For this project you need a 3.7v power supply that prepared by LM317 regulator. So you need MAX232 for connect uart to pc .my AVR chip project is Mega8 that you can program on any Avr chip have 2kbyte rom. In bascom spi hardware don’t work correct, so I have to software spi ,but the software spi configure have low speed into hardware spi.
    2009-12-03 09:04:46下载
  • z
    说明:  足球机器人小车总体设计思想及其单片机选型(The soccer robot car overall design thinking its microcontroller selection)
    2013-03-26 10:18:45下载
  • Matlab_Butter
    用C语言实现matlab的butter函数中低通和带通功能,高通和带阻没写,有兴趣的可以自己加入.(Using C language to achieve matlab butter function low-pass and band-pass function, high pass and band stop did not write)
    2017-10-23 13:47:38下载
  • SIM300CZ
    主要用于测试SIM300CZ拨打电话和MT8870程序,已测(Mainly used for testing SIM300CZ call and MT8870 procedures have been measured)
    2014-04-09 20:28:51下载
  • Sat889c51snd1C
    at89c51snd1单片机SCMM的mp3播放程序源码 (SCMM at89c51snd1 microcontroller mp3 player source code)
    2012-07-16 09:46:46下载
  • hal timer 32k
    可以用指令控制选择信道,设置发射功率,发送数据包(长度可选),接收数据包(接收时延可设),CC2430复位,内部温度传感器读取,定时器时长控制。底层函数基本做好,如果要加入新功能,可自行更改。(You can select the channel with the command control, set the transmit power, transmit data packet (lengths), receive data packets (receiver delay can be set), CC2430 reset, the internal temperature sensor reading, the timer duration control. Basic underlying function well, if you want to add new features to make changes.)
    2011-06-22 18:57:46下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
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