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于 2013-03-13 发布 文件大小:101KB
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  自己做的高压直流输电的半边模型,采用定电流控制。在普通12脉波高压直流输电的基础上,替换b、c相的变压器为移相变压器,消除了11、13次谐波。(HVDC own half model, using the constant current control. On the basis of the normal 12-pulse HVDC, replacing b, C-phase transformer for the phase-shifting transformer, eliminating 11,13 harmonics.)





0 个回复

  • FIR-matlab
    说明:  此程序是用matlab编写的FIR低通滤波器,为了区别于别人上传的都是调用了滤波器的现成函数filter,我自己用双重for循环编写了整个滤波过程,仿真已经通过……(This program is written in matlab lowpass FIR filter, in order to distinguish it from other people upload are ready-made function of the filter is called filter, for my own use a double for loop to prepare the entire filtering process, the simulation has passed ... ...)
    2010-03-20 13:53:26下载
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  • DigitalSignalProcessingMatlab
    自己收集的一点资料,特别是如何在matlab中实现滤波器设计(Own collection of little information, especially how to implement filter design matlab)
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  • RS-and-NRS_-matlab-code-and-pdf
    鉴于本人去年7月份发布的《关于粗糙集和邻域粗糙集的基本理论和程序算例》其中有一些错误,可能给相关研究人员带来了误解,在此向大家道歉! 同时在此资源中新增加了本人编写的邻域粗糙集的matlab计算程序,包括正域计算,约简计算,重要度计算,权重计算。 欢迎大家下载并交流学习! 我所发布的两个版本的说明,以第二版本为主,第一个版本就不要下载了。 版权所有,除百度文库和中国程序员联合开发网上能下载到相关资源外,其他网站上的均为盗用。请尊重知识产权!(Given that I released last July, " the basic theory and procedures for rough sets and neighborhood rough set of examples," of which there are some errors, researchers may be brought to the relevant misunderstanding here to apologize! While a new addition to this resource I prepared matlab calculation procedures neighborhood rough set, including the positive domain calculation, reduction calculation, it is important calculation, the weight calculation. Welcome to download and share their knowledge! Two versions of the instructions I have released the second version of the main, the first version, do not download. Copyright, except Baidu library and Chinese programmers can be downloaded to the joint development of Internet-related resources, are stolen on other sites. Please respect the intellectual property rights!)
    2021-02-28 16:09:35下载
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