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于 2013-10-07 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  My New Communication Pas



0 个回复

  • kalmandelphi
    delphi语音kalman滤波,改进了kalman滤波算法,精简了运算量(Improved voice kalman filtering delphi)
    2013-11-21 09:39:15下载
  • mydac.v5.00.1.7.src
    MySQL Data Access Components (MyDAC) is a library of components that provides direct access to MySQL database servers from Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder and Kylix. MyDAC can connect directly to MySQL server or work through the MySQL client library. The MyDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner MySQL database applications. MyDAC is a complete replacement for standard MySQL connectivity solutions and presents an efficient alternative to the Borland Database Engine for access to MySQL.
    2018-04-10 01:39:37下载
  • serchfiles
    Delphi开发的文件目录快速复制,可以复制子目录(Delphi developed fast copy file directory, you can copy the subdirectory)
    2010-08-01 23:19:37下载
  • shu-jian
    建立键盘鼠标动作记录与回放(使用Delphi开发)(Keyboard and mouse action recording and playback ( the use of Delphi ) )
    2013-05-02 16:09:46下载
  • GameOfMir2
    说明:  重新发布新改的fir代码(别人发的wis工具代码) 为了方便新手 我整合了控件 只需要安装几个控件 {全部在Component目录 如果没有请使用fir的 上传慢。。。 安装Raize JSocket 。。。。 delphix_d7 VCLZip 即使安装了 也许会编译的时候会提示 找不到 请自行设置搜索路径 就可以了 (Fir the new reform to redistribute the code (code that someone else made the wis tools) in order to facilitate the integration of a novice I need to install only a few controls control {all in the Component directory if not, please use the slow upload fir. . . Install Raize JSocket. . . . delphix_d7 VCLZip even with compile time may be prompted to set the search path to find your own can be a)
    2011-03-20 23:12:00下载
  • Billing
    Warnet Billing System
    2011-04-25 00:34:50下载
  • 06178ca18450
    Delphi控件源码 操作系统开发 中间件编程 MacOS编程(Applet )
    2012-12-16 23:13:24下载
  • 97658436
    Delphi屏幕录像程序,Delphi源代码,编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Delphi screen recording program, Delphi source code, learning programming source code, a good reference.)
    2014-01-04 08:57:11下载
  • WindowsMessager
    在Windows2000中提供了一项信使服务,这里我们就利用它提供的函数来实现同样的功能,能够自由的输入对方地址发送信息。通过本例,读者可以掌握如何调用Windows的DLL的函数,如何通过信使服务发送信息。(In Windows2000 provides a messenger service, here we use it to provide the function to achieve the same function, can enter the other address to send free information. Through this example, readers can learn how to call Windows DLL functions, how to send information via courier service.)
    2011-12-10 19:37:20下载
  • RSA-via-OpenSSL-libeay32-master
    说明:  delphi Rsa 公、私钥的加密、解密功能(Encryption and decryption functions of Delphi RSA public and private keys)
    2020-03-13 17:16:26下载
  • 696524资源总数
  • 103791会员总数
  • 67今日下载