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于 2021-04-28 发布 文件大小:1908KB
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  本论文以OFDM系统为基础,介绍了OFDM系统的基本原理,以及使用OFDM技术的优势所在,并且展望了今后的无线移动技术的发展前景。在简单介绍OFDM原理的同时,着重阐述了OFDM系统在不同信道环境和不不同实现方式下的误码性能。主要包括了OFDM系统在加性白高斯信道,在加性白高斯信道和多径干扰两种不同信道环境下系统的误码性能,其中后者还研究了系统在有保护间隔与无保护间隔的误码性能比较。在理论分析的基础 (This thesis is based on the OFDM system, the basic principle of the OFDM system, as well as the advantages of using OFDM technology, and future prospects for the development of future wireless and mobile technologies. OFDM principle in brief, focusing on the BER performance of OFDM systems under different channel conditions and different implementations. Including OFDM system in additive white Gaussian channel, additive white Gaussian channel and multipath interference of two different channel environment, the system BER performance, the latter of which also studied the system in a protected interval without guard interval BER performance comparison. The basis of theoretical analysis)



0 个回复

  • Ahost_computen
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  • WML_cppo
    值得深刻阅读的基于CP的OFDM同步程序这是一个非常好的用于OFDM的基于CP的 最大似然符号定时同步和载波同步的MATLAB仿真程序,经本人深入阅读吸收经典文献,反复编程调试而提炼而成,代码精炼有序序,绝对没有错误,由此程序仿真得到的同步曲线与经典文献完全一致。同仁们阅读此程序一定受益匪浅! 这里不吝成果,特上载与诸位网友共享。也欢迎同仁们提供更多的优秀程序。 由于文献要求采用N=1024个子载波 (Worthy of profound reading of the CP-based OFDM synchronization program which is a very good based on the CP maximum likelihood symbol timing synchronization and carrier synchronization for OFDM MATLAB simulation program, after I read in-depth absorption of classical literature, repeated programming and debugging and refining made, the code refined and orderly sequence is absolutely no mistake, this program simulation synchronization curves and classic literature is exactly the same. Colleagues to read this program must benefit Generous achievements, special upload to share with you friends. Also welcome colleagues to provide more excellent program. Because the literature require the use of N = 1024 subcarriers)
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