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于 2013-10-14 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  编写一个控制台程序,模拟在ATM机的存款和取款过程,当输入给定的卡号和密码(初始卡号和密码到数据文件里查看)时,系统能登录ATM系统,根据用户的身份不同显示不同的程序界面;取款   每次取款金额只能为100的倍数,总额不超过2000元,不允许透支。且取款之后,要记录取款的金额和时间。 存款   每次存款金额只能为100的倍数,总额不超过2000元。 修改密码   新密码长度不小于6位,不允许出现6位完全相同的情况,只有旧密码正确,新密码符合要求,且两次输入相同的情况下才可以成功修改密码。(Write a console program to simulate the ATM deposits and withdrawals process, when you enter a given number and password (the initial number and password to the data file view), the system can log in ATM systems, according to the user' s identity different display different The program interface withdrawal amount each withdrawal can only be a multiple of 100, the total does not exceed 2,000 yuan, does not allow overdrafts. And withdrawals after the withdrawal of the amount to be recorded and time. Deposit Amount per Deposit only a multiple of 100, totaling no more than 2,000 yuan. Change Password New Password length not less than six, allowed six identical situation, only the old password is correct, the new password meets the requirements, and enter the same case twice before they can successfully change the password.)





0 个回复

  • ATM
    编写一个控制台程序,模拟在ATM机的存款和取款过程,当输入给定的卡号和密码(初始卡号和密码到数据文件里查看)时,系统能登录ATM系统,根据用户的身份不同显示不同的程序界面;取款   每次取款金额只能为100的倍数,总额不超过2000元,不允许透支。且取款之后,要记录取款的金额和时间。 存款   每次存款金额只能为100的倍数,总额不超过2000元。 修改密码   新密码长度不小于6位,不允许出现6位完全相同的情况,只有旧密码正确,新密码符合要求,且两次输入相同的情况下才可以成功修改密码。(Write a console program to simulate the ATM deposits and withdrawals process, when you enter a given number and password (the initial number and password to the data file view), the system can log in ATM systems, according to the user' s identity different display different The program interface withdrawal amount each withdrawal can only be a multiple of 100, the total does not exceed 2,000 yuan, does not allow overdrafts. And withdrawals after the withdrawal of the amount to be recorded and time. Deposit Amount per Deposit only a multiple of 100, totaling no more than 2,000 yuan. Change Password New Password length not less than six, allowed six identical situation, only the old password is correct, the new password meets the requirements, and enter the same case twice before they can successfully change the password.)
    2013-10-14 22:50:17下载
  • MC600
    电位移控制台介绍和详细说明介绍了各种型号和实验(The electric displacement console and detailed description of the various models and experimental)
    2020-10-12 22:27:32下载
  • BY2003
    说明:  在程序加载时出现,可以点击画面跳过。 2.登录窗口 只有在输入正确的用户名的密码时,点击登录,才能登录。 3.主体窗口 主体窗口中显示的是当天的话费清单。 4.显示窗口 显示窗口中显示的是当前的各路中断线的状态。 5.打印窗口 可以打印当天的话费清单。 6.退出程序 退出程序。 7.当前费用 可以结算出从当天的00:00:00到些时的费用总和,以及通话时第总和。 (in loading procedures there, click on the picture to skip. 2. Login window only in the correct user name password, click on Login can be logged. 3. The main window of the main window shows the list of the day's calls. 4. Show window display window shows the current rostrum were interrupted state. 5. Print window and print the same day the calls list. 6. Exit exit. 7. The current cost of clearing it out of 00:00:00 from the day when some of the costs of the total, and its total telephone conversation.)
    2006-03-10 17:23:33下载
  • CheckManage
    考勤管理系统可以有效地管理企事业单位员工的出勤情况,规范人事制度管理,保证企事业单位的正常动作,是人力资产管理的重要组成部分。本系统的开发主要包括后台数据库的建立、维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。本系统采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,使应用程序的各个窗体都能够共享对表的操作,无需重复编码,使程序更加易于维护,从而成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。 第1步:还原数据库 按照前面的步骤,还原“考勤管理系统”的数据库为“CheckManage”。 第2步:打开项目并运行 ➊ 在Visual C++ 6.0中,打开“考勤管理系统”项目文件。 ➋ 编译、连接、运行,在“登录对话框”中输入用户名“Admin”,密码“111111”,单击【确定】按钮。(CheckManage System very good)
    2012-08-21 19:33:04下载
  • 252616
    通信原理实验指导书,包括全部通信原理章节,原理分析,硬件解释,编程指导等(The communication principle experiment instruction book, including all the communication principle chapter, the principle analysis, the hardware explanation, the programming instruction and so on)
    2019-01-05 07:39:21下载
  • travelingsalesman
    用动态规划法求解旅行商问题 已经加入注释 欢迎批评指正(dynamic programming method for the traveling salesman problem has joined Notes welcome criticism correction)
    2005-06-09 15:40:17下载
  • ScanEmmg
    delphi写的控制台定时程序,内容很丰富。定时扫描进程,如果有某一进程,就杀掉。非常不错。总大小才20多k。特此上传。呵呵(delphi write console timer program, the content is very rich. Scheduled scanning process, if there is a process, it is killed. Very good. . Hereby upload. Oh)
    2013-09-02 15:52:42下载
  • jiaobingbu
    集合的运算:交、并、补(难度系数:1.1) 全集:大写字母 ‘A’~’Z’ 要求实现以下功能: 1、集合的输入:自动去掉重复和非法的字符 2、集合的显示:输出集合的全部元素 3、输出一个给定集合的补集 4、输出两个给定集合的交集和并集 (jiao bing bu)
    2013-11-29 20:49:25下载
  • codlwhqchsource
    这是基于systemview平台的cdma下行链路仿真源码, 能满足cdma开发过程中的仿真需要,(This is the cdma downlink simulation source code based on systemview platform, which can meet the simulation needs in the cdma development process.)
    2019-01-05 07:37:36下载
  • bldcbcheng
    用来仿真直流无刷电机控制系统,该系统运行良好,修改参数可以模拟任意电机的运行(used for simulation brushless DC motor control system, which is operating well, Parameter changes can simulate the operation of any motor)
    2007-05-28 08:57:11下载
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