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于 2012-08-26 发布 文件大小:40KB
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  C++经典语法与应用,类的编写与应用,构造与析构函数,函数的重载,类的继承,函数覆盖,基类与派生类的构造函数、析构函数先后调用顺序,如何在派生类构造函数中向基类的构造函数传递参数,this成员变量,类型转换的内幕,虚拟函数与多态性,引用和指针的变量的区别与共同处。VC工程的编译原理与过程,将工程中不同的类拆分到不同的原文件中,每一个类由一个.h和.cpp文件共同完成,头文件重复定义问题的解决,培养了学员良好的编程习惯,也为以后分析MFC Appwizard生成的工程奠定了良好基础。(Classical syntax and application of C++, class preparation and application of the constructor and destructor, function overloading, class inheritance, function coverage, the base class and the derived class constructor, destructor has invoked the order, how in the derived class The parameters passed to the constructor of the base class constructor, the this member variable of the insider type conversion, virtual functions and polymorphism, difference between reference and pointer variables in common. VC compiler theory and engineering process, the different classes in the project is split into the original file, and each class by one. H. Cpp file jointly, header files define the solution of the problem is repeated, cultivate good students programming habits, but also laid a good foundation for later analysis the MFC Appwizard generated engineering.)



0 个回复

  • tongxunlu
    通讯录系统,简单的对通讯录进行编程,可实现文件的输出(Address book system, easy to program to the address book, documents can be output)
    2009-04-06 11:34:33下载
  • Fscrn
    VC实现的MFC单文档全屏程序!!!VC实现的MFC单文档全屏程序(VC implementation of the MFC single document full screen applications)
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  • link-two-program
    link to program with dde protocol , in vb6
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  • isodata
    isodata聚类算法流程图,开发环境可以是vc,也可以是matlab。(Isodata clustering algorithm flow chart, the development environment can be a vc, also can be the matlab)
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  • UAVPlatform0223
    osg地图,在vs2010和qt5上面搭建地图软件框架(Osg map, in the vs2010 and qt5 above the map software framework)
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  • attack
    this is useful for every one in simulation.
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  • 2006_31_3_54
    面向对象的信息融合黑板框架的建立,我有一系列关于黑板系统的文章哈(Object-oriented information fusion blackboard framework in place, I have a series of articles on the blackboard system ha)
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  • 12864TUPIAN
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