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于 2013-09-06 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  此为一个合成孔径雷达的MATLAB仿真程序。(Synthetic aperture radar MATLAB simulation program.)



0 个回复

  • KernelIoControl-OEMIoControl
    The system is fully preemptible when this function is called. The kernel does no processing, but it passes all parameters directly to the function supplied by you. (当这个函数被调用的时候系统完全可能被抢占,内核没有处理,直接传递参数到你提供的函数。这个我觉得说的很别扭,估计是直接传递参数到OEMIoControl )(The system is fully preemptible when this function is called The the kernel does no processing, but it passes are all the parameters directly to the function are supplied by you (When this function is called when the system is entirely possible to seize the kernel did not deal directly pass parameters to the function you provide. I think that is very awkward, and is estimated to pass parameters directly to OEMIoControl))
    2012-05-29 22:24:52下载
  • Monte-Carlo-simulatio
    对一个使用相关器或匹配滤波器的二进制通信系统,用Monte Carlo仿真估计Pe,并画出Pe对SNR的图。(A correlator or matched filter using a binary communication system with Monte Carlo simulation estimates Pe, and Pe draw the map of the SNR.)
    2011-10-04 10:44:48下载
  • TheResearchofSpatialSpectrumEstimationAlgorithminS
    智能天线技术是第三代移动通信系统的关键技术之一,也是国内外热门的研究课题。由于无线移动通信的信道传输环境具有复杂性和不确定性,存在多径衰落和时延扩展,因此造成了符号间串扰、同信道干扰、多址干扰等,这些干扰降低了链路性能和系统容量,智能天线技术是解决以上问题的方法之一。 本文首先阐述了智能天线和白适应波束形成的基本理论,然后对自适应算法进行了研究。对一些基本的自适应算法最小均方算法、恒模算法及递推最小均方算法进行了分析讨论,用计算机仿真的结果论证了算法的性能。针对相干干扰介绍了空间平滑技术,对传统的相干干扰抑制方法-空间平滑法进行了分析,采用改进算法有效降低了空间平滑算法的运算量。对信号波达方向(DOA)的估计是智能天线研究的另一关键问题。第四章在介绍了阵列信号处理方法的基础上,先简单介绍了Bartlett、Capon、MUSIC等空间谱估计算法,分析了信源数目过估计与欠估计情况下的MUSIC算法性能,提出一种改进算法,在信源数目有误差的情况下该算法的性能良好。第五章针对多径干扰环境,在分析MMUSIC算法的基础上,本文提出了基于低秩矩阵逼近法的改进MUSIC算法(In this paper, firstly, the author illustrates the principles of smart antenna and adaptive beam forming, and then introduces some typical adaptive algorithms, the LMS ,CMA and RLS algorithms are analyzed and discussed and simulate them in the computer to prove their capability. but they have the disadvantage of high complexity, so they are not fit for practice. The paper analyses the conventional method rejecting spatial smoothing coherent interfering signals, which is spatial smoothing technique)
    2009-07-02 22:43:06下载
  • RemoveSpace
    Remove Extra Spaces (Sometimes text values contain leading, trailing, or multiple embedded space characters, this function removes spaces from text except for single spaces between words)
    2014-09-21 10:30:43下载
  • Pictock
    given metodites stoc
    2013-02-02 19:41:41下载
  • test3_4
    说明:  方程组追赶法的C++程序以及MATLAB源程序(Equations chase law procedures and the MATLAB C++ source code)
    2011-04-12 00:03:24下载
  • 2220005mcma0
    2005MCMA题程序源码,本程序源码码是自己编的,如有不足请见谅 (2005MCMA title of the program source code, the program' s source code is compiled, if insufficient please forgive me)
    2012-08-16 06:30:23下载
  • 1
    说明:  登录界面显示,matlab gui 编程的,可视化好(Login screen is displayed)
    2017-03-12 16:33:51下载
  • denoise
    labview 中通过调用MATLAB节点来对示波器数据进行小波去噪并显示(By calling MATLAB in labview nodes to wavelet denoising and display the data of the oscilloscope)
    2015-04-16 16:30:24下载
  • DOE
    MATLAB编译,主要是与船舶相关的编译程序,简单方便,易于使用。(MATLAB compilation, mainly related to ship compiler, simple, convenient and easy to use)
    2017-07-18 09:49:11下载
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