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于 2013-03-19 发布 文件大小:7074KB
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  MATLAB 工程数学应用,许波,刘征编著(The MATLAB engineering mathematics application, Xu Bo, Liu Zheng eds)



0 个回复

  • BER
    OFDM,MPSK,MDPSK,QAM四种调制方式误比特率的matlab仿真代码。(Matlab simulation code of OFDM, MPSK, MDPSK, QAM modulation bit error rate)
    2009-03-17 12:13:06下载
  • matlab_jiaocheng
    说明:  Matlab是Matlab产品家族的基础,它提供了基本的数学算法,例如矩阵运算、数值分析算法,Matlab集成了 2D和3D图形功能,以完成相应数值可视化的工作,并且提供了一种交互式的高级编程语言——M语言,利用M语言可以通过编写脚本或者函数文件实现用户自己的算法。 这是关于matlab的教程(Matlab family of products is the basis of Matlab, which provides the basic mathematical algorithms, such as matrix computation, numerical analysis algorithms, Matlab integrates 2D and 3D graphics features, in order to complete the corresponding numerical visualization work, and provides an interactive high-level programming languages- M language, the use of M language can function through the preparation of the script or document to achieve the user)
    2008-10-10 10:33:27下载
  • matttt
    Little programs on matlab.
    2012-11-30 03:02:52下载
  • mbuilder_aakpwl
    毕设题目,我用MATLAB程序编写的实现基于矢量量化的说话人识别系统,结合了hjcWjN算法。在给定的temp.wav录音文件的情况下,对不同的人的不同时间长度的语音进行辨识。实现与文本无关的自动说话人确认的实时识别。 使用步骤包括: 1 训练,2 TEOYkcT, 3 测试 4, 输出结果。 (Complete set topic, I use a program written in MATLAB-based VQ speaker recognition system, combining hjcWjN algorithms. In the case of a given temp.wav audio file, voice different people different lengths of time were identified. Real-time recognition and text-independent speaker verification automatically. Use steps include: 1 training, 2 TEOYkcT , 3 test 4, the output result. )
    2016-01-02 12:11:09下载
  • coordinate
    利用matlab的基本方法,求出矩阵的逆,体现matlab的矩阵功能。(Matlab using the basic method to derive the inverse matrix, the matrix reflect the matlab function.)
    2008-06-15 08:23:42下载
  • lms
    Adaptive filtering algorithm based on LMS (B-LMS), to fast track the process of change in channel between transmitter & receiver
    2013-08-06 15:48:34下载
  • linearpll
    it is a pll (phase locked loop simulation)
    2014-09-16 03:42:09下载
  • boshuyumusic
    矢量阵的波束域music算法,克服在阵元域波进行music算法需要较高的信噪比及各阵元需要相位意志性的缺点(Vector array beam domain music algorithms, to overcome the array element in the music domain wave algorithm requiring a higher level of signal to noise ratio and the array element will need to phase of the shortcomings of)
    2007-12-08 16:13:49下载
  • Decode
    说明:  PacketX解码例子Decode.rar(PacketX\Examples\Scripts\Decode.rar)
    2010-03-30 10:38:23下载
  • m-files
    说明:  matlab .M函数库,自己整理的,我用的很好,朋友们能参考一下(matlab. M library, his finishing, I use the good friends who can refer to)
    2011-03-17 20:43:52下载
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